Stealth Is Optional

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It was about an hour later when they finally touched down in the lively town of Possibility.
They had taken their cloaks off so that they appeared as normal dragons. Even though it was a little more risky, it was much better than walking around in hoods, as that would most definitely draw attention to themselves.

The initial plan was simple; get into the town, find the post office, send a message to Flame, hopefully find some food, and get out.

In order to cover more ground, they had split up into small groups like in the scorpion den, except it was groups of three.
This time Daniel paired himself up with Winter and Kinkajou. Qibli was paired up with Willow and Star. Peril, Turtle, and Moon were the third group.

They had made a plan to return to the entrance of the town in approximately three hours. From there on out it was just hope that nobody would notice them from the wanted posters or the missing posters.

It wasn't ideal in the slightest, Daniel had to admit but they didn't have any other plans in order to contact Flame without Animus magic and they had agreed not to use Turtles magic as he was scared and still kind of shook from the events at the school.

So snail mail was the only go to at this point in time, though in reality Daniel knew they would be able to find Flame eventually so he was indeed only here so he could get some well needed food.

Luckily Turtle had his animus touched objects with him so if they were able to find a gold coin of some sort they could multiply it in the bowl and essentially be set for any payments, the main issue was getting one in the first place.

Daniel walked along the smooth cobbled pathway with Kinkajou and Winter by his side as they approached a large open area where the delicious smell of food stalls filled their nostrils and beckoned them over for a bite.

"Wow... That smells so good..." Daniel said as he licked his lips a little.

"Agreed. I could really go for some food as a matter of fact" Winter added, though Kinkajou only made a slight face of disgust.

"Speak for yourselves, All I smell is the disgusting aroma of meat." She exclaimed, clearly not being happy with the smell which was rudely breaking and entering into her nostrils.

Winter rolled his eyes at her.
"Whatever you say, But one thing I know for sure is that I need some food before we go out to do moons knows what next"

Kinkajou groaned. "Fiiiiine... But Only if you find something for me too!"

"Easy, I'm sure there's a fruit place somewhere around here? Winter said confidently, his excitement for food barely being contained and for good reason as they hadn't had much food for the past few days, with the only thing being bananas from a fruit tree they had come across by luck.

Daniel however, despite his hunger was still able to think straight.
"hold up just a minute there partner, How exactly do you plan to pay for this? It's not like we have any money."

Winter however was already running ahead along with Kinkajou by side as he called back.
"We'll figure it out, now come on!"

Daniel sighed deeply at Winter's response before eventually walking after them.
He watched as they both wandered around multiple stalls selling a catalog of delicious items ranging from fresh fish, several meats, and for the few stalls run by Rainwings what appeared to be an assorted arrangement of fruits on a stick.

By the time Daniel eventually caught up to them they surprisingly both settled on a stall selling what appeared to be frozen fruit popsicles.
Honestly it didn't strike Daniel as very filling in terms of the hunger they had but he shrugged it off considering the very few other options they could all agree on, not to mention that it had been a while since Daniel had tasted any sort of frozen food which was similar to Ice cream.

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