Chapter 10

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Sixteen years ago

It had been a week since the nine-year-old Jungkook had begun the training. A week since he had begun talking to the six-year-olds, Eun Woo, and the leader's daughter, Hana.

"Do you guys want ice cream? I can ask Uncle to get us some," Hana said while sitting next to us on a bench in the training hall.

"Me, I want one! Chocolate flavour!" Eun Woo raised his hand and began jumping on his seat.

"Okay. Kookie, do you want one?" Hana asked, looking at Jungkook.

That nickname. The name he never knew he would grow to love. The name that sounds so beautiful in her mouth. The name that she called bloomed cherry blossoms in the cold winter in his heart. He never knew he would love her so much that the future was going to be a disaster.

"I want a butterscotch, thank you very much," Jungkook said before leaning back onto the bench.

"A butterscotch, vanilla, and a chocolate coming right up!" Hana said and grinned, and called her uncle to ask for ice cream.

Jungkook caught himself staring at her and pulled himself back to reality.

Started crushing on somebody when you're this young? You must be mad.

He thought to himself before he shrugged his head and began to talk to Eun Woo. A few minutes later, Hana's uncle bought ice cream for them.

"Ice cream! Gimme gimme! My chocolate!" Eun Woo screamed and ran towards Hana's uncle, followed by Hana.

Jungkook sat there watching them run around Hana's uncle for ice cream, fighting with each other over who should get ice cream first. Unknowingly, a smile crept upon his face.

Maybe, it's not going to be that bad with them around.

Jungkook thought so. But who was going to tell him what came next?

You Never Know (J.JK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora