Chapter 12

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Eleven years ago

"I have a boyfriend," said the smiling eleven-year-old Hana to a shocked fourteen-year-old Jungkook.

"What? Who is it? Why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook asked, starting to get grumpier and moodier every second.

"I mean, I haven't asked him out yet, you know. I fear that he might reject me. I don't think he likes me that much. We are best friends but I don't know," Hana said, drawing circles on the sand with her foot under the shade of a tree, oblivious to the angry Jungkook.

"You haven't asked him out yet? And he is your best friend? How can he be..." Jungkook paused, and realisation set upon his face. "So dumb. Wait, it's me isn't it? I'm the only best friend you have," Jungkook said, looking at her.

"Yeah... you finally got it. I thought you were too dense," Hana said and giggled. "So will you, think about it?"

"What is there to think about? All I want to say is... YES!!" Jungkook said happily and lifted her up and turned around.

Jungkook put her down after a few seconds and there they stood staring at each other. He slowly leaned in and captured her lips in a sweet kiss.

Everything seemed too good to be true. A kiss shared by the two lovers under a tree in the dimming lights of the day, a one last moment before they were called back home, a kiss that was to be remembered forever before it all went downhill.

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