Chapter 18

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Double update!!


Byeol POV

We arrived at the destination we were supposed to meet at.

A dark alley with just a streetlight that just barely keeps itself alive by blinking in an unrhythmic pattern.

It looks like it hasn't been used in ages, which it wasn't, ever since they moved the clan base to another location.

Uncle was the first to get out of the car followed by Jungkook and me. We walked further into the alley and stopped ourselves in front of the ex-base camp, awaiting the future.

"Let's kick some ass", I said and walked forward.

As much as I despised coming back here and relive all the bad memories, I had to put an end to it and this was final.

We walked into the camp and came face to face with my dad. That one and only old man.

I hate you.

"I see you are back, with my prized possession", my dad said and continued, "Hand him over. "

That's when I noticed that my best friends were not found. I did not see them anywhere.

"Where are my friends?" I asked my dad, stepping forward.

"Oh, it was all a prank. You used to prank me all the time. I never got my turn," my dad spoke and laughed, doubling up my anger. "Now, hand him over."

"That's sad. Cause I wasn't planning to."

No sooner I had said that, one of the men standing behind my dad shot my uncle's leg.

That's it.

I took the gun from my pocket and began shooting the opposing members while trying to move to my uncle. Jungkook had also taken out his gun and began shooting.

"Uncle, can you stand?" I asked my uncle, providing my arm for support for him to get up.

"I'm alright, but let's put an end to this," he said and began limping forward with a gun in his hand.

The three of us began shooting one by one, occasionally indulging in armed fights with many. But we were outnumbered, and I had no choice but to do one thing that I had been preparing for all these years.

I stood and hoped for my students to come to my aid.

No sooner I had done that, a whole army of my creation had come forward. Some jumped from roof to roof and some rode bikes. My creation, the people I had trained for years only for this moment. To end the reign of my father, as I had planned.

They began shooting along with us, and I knew I didn't have to worry about them as they were trained to perfection.

So much for overconfidence.

I ran towards my father and began fighting arm-to-arm when he suddenly pushed me and pulled out a gun from his pocket. I had lost my gun in the middle of the fight so I was unarmed. I spotted my gun on the floor but it was too far to get there quickly.

"I thought I would give you a chance, Hana but you've changed. This was your last chance. Now it's game over," my father said, before raising his gun.

I saw my life flash before my eyes and I knew I was at the end. I couldn't stop him but I wished Jungkook would. I imagined the times I had with Jungkook and the confessions I made, remembering that I wouldn't be alive to be his girlfriend anymore. It had to end this way, but what did I expect? I was fighting against my dad. It was close to impossible. But we reached this far. That's good.

Those were my last thoughts until the bullet pierced through my stomach.

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