Chapter 22

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Final chapter guys!!


Six years later

Byeol POV

Everything had been going well lately. I married my boyfriend and I'm a part of a family of four.

My twin daughters are four years old and they are very beautiful as they have their father's eyes and their mother's smile.

My husband and my daughters were waiting for me at home while I was at work. Jungkook had left the clan since that incident and had been supporting me since. He also got a new job but he was on leave for a day.

While I was deeply concentrated on my work, I received a call. I looked to see that it was Jungkook. I quickly picked up my phone, while continuing to work, and answered with a 'Hello'.

"Aren't you done? Come back home baby. We all miss you," Jungkook whined, and I could hear the girls giggling through the phone.

"I'm almost done, honey. I'll be home in an hour," I said, while picking up and throwing the trash that was having a war with me.

"I should have gone to work with you, why did you give me a holiday? We could have finished it fast, you know. How do you manage to punch those guys and answer the call at the same time?"

"I gave you a holiday so that you can look after our girls, Jungkook. Not to keep whining. I can manage it pretty well so you don't have to worry alright?" I said, while throwing a punch to the last human trash I was dealing with, knocking him out cold.

"I'm done, I'm coming home right away," I said and hung up, before tying the men up with a rope I had found and informed the police about the captured men who were found selling drugs to children.

Yes, I still work as a mafia, but a good one. Jungkook also works for me, and we help the police in finding and fighting people. Our identities are unknown to the world, but we are respected.

The students I had trained also work with me, but no one else knows what we do. We also work undercover, some work part-time and some work full-time.

Jungkook works part-time at a convenience store since he had an incomplete education, which he doesn't like talking about since I had better education than he did, while I still work as an AI engineer who has the permission to go to work whenever I want since I only do individual projects.

I went back home only to see my daughters and Jungkook lying on the couch, both of my girls on top of Jungkook and his hands wrapped around them to prevent them from falling off, all in deep sleep.

They must have waited for me.

I walked towards them and gave my girls a kiss on their forehead, and gave Jungkook a peck, and they woke up and saw me.

"Mommy is back!" My girls screamed and jumped on me, I hugged them giggling at their cuteness.

Jungkook watched me play with my daughters with a smile on his face, then moved forward to capture my lips with his.

I kissed him back and pulled away, to see my daughters covering their eyes with their tiny hands.

"Eww, mommy is kissing daddy in front of us. It ain't happening today, not today," one of them said and giggled.

"Jiyeon, daddy needs to love mommy too, its not only us," the other said with their eyes still covered.

"But they can do it elsewhere, Sooyoung. Not in front of these small four-year-olds."

"Let's go somewhere else, Jiyeon. You don't have to see this," Sooyoung said and pulled Jiyeon away.

We sat there smiling at their small act before going back for another round which turned out to be a make-out session.

We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.

"You're still beautiful after all these years," Jungkook said, so fondly that my heart melted.

"And you're still handsome as back then," I said, giggling.

"Oh please, I was just average back then. I look way hotter now."

We looked at each other for a second, and then began laughing. And we hoped for more laughters in the future.

A perfect husband, Jungkook, and my two daughters, Jiyeon and Sooyoung, named in the loving memory of our mothers who risked their lives to protect us, was all I could ever need. We were just... perfectly imperfect.

We have fought in the past and might fight in the following years, maybe on something critical, or on something trivial. But I just know that these fights are only going to strengthen our bond. Because that is what family is for.

And then, my life will go on and on and on. With Jungkook, Jiyeon, and Sooyoung by my side. Together, till my last breath, and maybe even after that.

After all, they could be my destiny, forever and ever.

You never know.

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