Chapter 20

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Double update!!! We are almost at the end...


Jungkook POV

I was fighting one after the other till I saw Sung Jin with her father. He had a gun pointed at her and she was unarmed.

I pushed the man who was trying to fight me and rushed towards her, but it was too late. The bullet had pierced through her stomach and she fell to her knees.

I ran towards her screaming out her name and Mr. Bae shot her father right in the head before moving towards us.

I placed Sung Jin's head on my lap and began talking.

"Byeol, Sung Jin, do you hear me? You have to stay awake, alright? We'll get you to the hospital soon so you have to stay strong okay? I know you are very strong so you have to keep fighting. Keep fighting for me, please," I said, salty tears flowing from my eyes from the pain of being so close to losing her.

"Your father is dead, Mr. Bae killed him. We won Byeol, we won. His people have fled already, such cowards. Hey, talk to me. Try to stay awake, Byeol. We need you. I need you. Please, keep fighting."

Byeol looked like she couldn't focus on anything happening around her and her eyes kept closing. She had her hand on top of the bullet wound and her hand was covered in blood.

She was the only one I had left. I couldn't lose her too. I had to keep her conscious. Uncle had already gone to bring our car and her students were waiting for her command. But shockingly, none of them looked worried.

"Jungkook, I had no energy to speak till now and you didn't even give me time to speak. Let me rest, okay? It's been too long since I fought like this so it's tiring. You have to understand. By the way, this blood looks so realistic, right? It's cool.

And what made you think I was dying? Didn't you see me wear a bulletproof vest? Then what? If you're gonna ask about the blood, then it is because I made it. I filled the vest with fake blood to give it a more realistic death. All of us have the same type. Look, yours is bleeding too," She said pointing at the wound in my chest.

I looked down to see blood flowing, but I didn't feel any pain. I looked back at her in disbelief. Only my bulletproof vest was harmed, I was not.

You're my bulletproof vest when it's getting dangerous
Always make me feel blessed, you're my guardian angel
You are, you are, you are
You are, you are, you are

You know what? I'm done.

Anyways, this girl could have told me she was fine long back. I had to embarrass myself in front of everyone. Stupid me. I should have known she would pull something like this.

I mentally facepalmed and looked back at her. Even though I did embarrass myself, I was happy to have her back.

I lunged forward and hugged her tight, forgetting that she needed to breathe. I had no idea about it until she patted me to leave her.

"God, you almost killed me. I thought I'll die in your arms today. Anyways, I'm happy to have you back too," She said smiling.

"I know this is sudden, but let's fast forward. I love you, be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

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