Chapter 13

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Hi guys, I'm sorry I'm late today, cause I just got my hot chocolate spilled on me by accident on public and I'm regretting it. This thing's not going and I'm annoyed.

BTW, double update today!!


Byeol POV

"Welcome to my boyfriend's place."

"A restaurant?"

"Yeah, food is life, food is love, food is my valentine and food is my soul mate."

I turned to look at Jungkook who was staring back at me.

"And I thought you had a boyfriend."

"Hey, don't consider food as trash. It's because of food we are all here living healthy."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. So, are we going to eat from here?"

"No, we are going to preserve food for the next generation. Of course, we are going to eat!"

"Haha, very funny. You should have been a stand-up comedian, "he spoke sarcastically.

I pretended not to hear that comment and gestured for him to move along.

We had dinner and decided to head to a market to buy some extra snacks since Jungkook thought it was a good idea to finish all the snacks in just one day. He stayed out, saying he would buy unnecessarily if he went in. I wouldn't mind him buying it, though. I mean, after all, I, too, eat like a pig.

I bought all that I wanted, and some extra for him, paid up and came out saying, "Look Jungkook, I got your favourite bana-"

I froze, watchung Jungkook trying to fight two huge men, who held him in place with their hands.

There on the side, next to a very familiar car, stood the man who had been stalking me for quite a long time. I had recognised the face from the news I've read.

A tall buff man in his late 40s, hair parted to show his clear forehead, with salt and pepper beard, wearing a suit in all black with a white shirt, leaning against the car and smoking a cigarette.

He looked over at me and smiled, the one that said he was up to no good. A sinister smile. A smile that hid his thoughts while he was planning outcomes each second. The smile that I was so familiar with. The smile that I once thought was a sincere one and that it would always be one.

He pulled out the cigarette from his mouth, dropped it on the floor, and crushed it with his foot before turning back to me and giving that sinister smile again.

I stood there with my fists clenched, biting my teeth so strongly that I was sure I would crack a tooth soon enough.

"We haven't talked in a while, my dear", he said cockily and smirked, making me almost punch that old face of his.

"Long time no see, Father."

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