Chapter one: The Coronation

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A week has pass since Coran's sacrifice to save Altea, A new high priest or priestess to be corrugated in the shrine of lions as everything begins to calm down in Aurs and now, a new beginning was about to start, as Romelle's coronation was near.

As Romelle looked at herself in the mirror, brushing her hair and admitting her appearance, she decided to change her appearance a little now that she is going to be high priestess of Aurs.

She styled her hair and she wore a pink robe over blue garbs both laced with golden outlines, taller boots, a long cape with a slightly darker shade of blue, an old solid soft curved tiara with white crystal in tear shape/droplet.

When her mother came, she gave Romelle a pair of earrings, saying that Coran wanted her to have them, it belonged to Allura and she only wore one of them in her right ear.

Romelle wanted to wear something of Coran, the one who saved them all, but, even though he should be excited to be a high-priestess, he couldn't help but feel sad and alone. Romelle had her friends but she was completely alone.

Romelle brushes her fingers through his hair and smiles at her reflection, just then, Bandor and Avok burst into her room.

"Romelle, come at once. We need you in the War Room right away!" Bandor said, urgently.

Romelle ran to the war room with him, seeing Shiro, Lance, Hunk and Pidge standing at the table.

"There's no time to waste. You must make a decision." Avok said.

"We're here for you." Shiro assured her.

Romelle ran to the table and looked over his choices, finally, she made her decision.

"That one!" Romelle pointed.

Everything got quiet for a second.

"The Future priestess has spoken. At Romelle's coronation, we will be serving... ice cream cake!" Avok said.

Everyone laughed but she frowned, this coronation was something she never expected to come so soon, and she didn't know how to feel, especially at someone else's expense.

As she went back to her room with Shiro, Bandor and Avok and waited for the guests to arrive and for the celebration to begin.

A few hours later, she looked out the window and saw so many people walking up to the shrine.

"People are starting to arrive. I can't believe this is really my coronation day. Me. High priestess of Aurs, Ugh. It sounds so weird." Romelle said.

Bandor hummed behind her. "Priestess Romelle, Priestess Romelle, Priestess Romelle! Yeah, that's going to take some getting used to."

Romelle turned around and saw her friends smiling at her.

"I just... never thought it would actually happen or Coran chose me." Romelle said, sadly.

"Hey don't worry. You've got me and the others beside you all the way. We'll make sure this day is perfect." Shiro said.

"Yeah, you're right. We've got this. Do I look okay?" Romelle said, forcing a smile on her face.

"Like a queen." Shiro said.

"Here you all are! What are you standing around for? The guests are starting to arrive! Come on! There's so much to do!" Lance said.

"I'm worried about Romelle." Shiro said.

"Must be hard celebrating with Coran being gone." Avok said.

"It's her coronation. This should be a perfect day for Romelle. We'll make it perfect. All we have to do is keep her mind off –" Shiro said.

"Coran?" Avok said.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 7Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum