Chapter twelve: The next right

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After the journey of Altea's mountain, Shiro and the others continue on the regular stuff that they do around the shrine. Shiro tended to the gardens, pulling weeds and trimming the plants with practiced precision. Beside him, Pidge swept the stone steps leading up to the entrance, her movements graceful and efficient. On the other side of the shrine, Lance and Hunk were busy repairing the damage from a recent storm, their hammers and saws ringing through the quiet air.

All was quiet and peaceful, interrupted only by the chirping of birds and the sound of their labor. Shiro paused in his work, taking in the serenity of the scene and feeling a sense of contentment.

But their peace was short-lived as a sudden burst of laughter echoed through the air. Shiro and the others looked up to see two young children running through the gardens, chasing each other and playing a spirited game of tag.

Shiro couldn't help but smile, the sound of their joy bringing a warmth to his heart. This was what they fought for, what they protected. The simple joys of life and the beauty of nature.

As the sun began to set and the children raced off to their homes, Shiro and the others gathered around the small stone table in the center of the shrine. Pidge poured tea while Lance and Hunk shared stories from their juvenile days, their voices animated and filled with laughter.

At that moment, Shiro realized that this was the true meaning of their journey. Not just to conquer mountains or defeat enemies, but to find peace and harmony in the simple moments of life. And he couldn't imagine a more rewarding purpose.

He smiled, sipping his tea contentedly. He knew that no matter what happened in the future, this moment would forever remain in his heart.

Unfortunately, in the doom lands, where the Galra Empire lived, peace and harmony were hard to come by. The sprawling city was filled with towering buildings made of metal and concrete, casting long shadows over the streets below. The air was thick with a smog-like pollution, making it difficult to breathe.

The people were cold and distant, living a life of drudgery and oppression. The Galra Empire was a powerful force, ruling with an iron fist and suppressing any dissent, In it, was a human named Adam.

"Ngggh..." The bed-ridden Adam moaned and squirmed as he tossed and turned within his bed. The images that were haunting him were causing him to sweat profusely, his nightmares cascading into a boiling fever dream as the images and scenery haunted.

His hair was sprawled about his pillow as he tried to combat the horrendous nightmare, inside and out, doing everything within his power to keep the visions at bay.

But there was no rest for the restless as the suffering continued...The images that were haunting him were causing him to sweat profusely, his nightmares cascading into a boiling fever dream.

Adam's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself back in his childhood home. It was a small house on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by fields of wheat and a crystal blue lake. The sun was shining brightly, birds chirping in the distance.

It all seemed so peaceful, but Adam knew better. He knew what lurked beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic world.

He walked through the familiar rooms of his home, each one triggering painful memories of a time long gone. And then he came to a door that had always been locked when he was a child.

As if drawn by an unseen force, Adam reached out and turned the doorknob. Inside lay a room that had been hidden from him for years. But now it was open, beckoning him to enter.

Adam stepped inside cautiously, his heart racing with fear and anticipation. The room was dark except for a single beam of light shining down on an object in the center.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 7Where stories live. Discover now