Chapter nine: Them 's the breaks' kid

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One fine evening, Shiro was determined to exercise for the rest of the day, armed with his sword in one hand and confronted the train dummy in the shrine of lions.

"Third Form: Raging Eclipse." Shiro shouted.

As he focused his energy into a precise strike aimed at the heart of the train dummy. With a swift motion, he executed the technique, his blade slicing through the air with controlled ferocity. The impact was resounding, and for a moment, the shrine echoed with the force of his strike.

As the dust settled, Shiro stood before the train dummy, his breathing steady and his gaze unwavering. The wooden contraption bore the marks of his training, a testament to his determination and discipline. With a sense of accomplishment, Shiro sheathed his sword and took a moment to reflect on his progress.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew his attention, and he turned to see Romelle and Stats, their presence commanded respect, and Shiro straightened up.

Shiro greeted his friends with a nod, acknowledging their arrival at the training grounds. Romelle, with her graceful demeanor and unwavering determination, had always been a source of inspiration for Shiro. She was adorned in her training attire, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of focus and purpose.

Stats, the small larva, emanated an aura of kindness and cuteness as he was floated by Romelle, a friend to Shiro on his journey of self-improvement. Together, the three of them formed a bond forged through countless hours of training and shared experiences.

"Good form, Shiro," Romelle said, her voice carrying a tone of approval. "Your dedication to honing your skills is evident in your technique."

"Stats." Stats said.

"Yeah, Stats, good skils are important," Shiro agreed. "But without good form, you won't be able to reach the top."

"Stats." Stats said.

Shiro nodded in agreement. Romelle clapped her hands. Stats turned to them with a knowing smile.

Romelle approached Shiro, a smile brightening her features. "Your determination is truly admirable, Shiro. I can see the progress you've made since our last sparring session."

Shiro's expression softened as he looked at Romelle. Her words of encouragement were a source of strength for him, fueling his resolve to continue pushing his limits. "Thank you, Romelle. Your support means a lot to me."

As they gathered in the training grounds, the spirit of camaraderie filled the air. Each of them shared a common goal of self-improvement, striving to become stronger and more skilled in their respective disciplines. The bond they shared extended beyond mere friendship—it was a shared dedication to the path of warriors, a journey fraught with challenges and triumphs.

After training for a day, Shiro stands outside of the shrine of lions, the wind gently ruffling his hair as he takes in the peaceful surroundings. The golden light of the setting sun bathes everything in a warm glow, casting long shadows across the courtyard.

Shiro felt a surge of emotion as he thought of all the memories he had made with his friends in this place. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and prepared to enter the shrine.

In the shrine, Lance was working on his guns and crosses for the day while Hunk and Pidge were working on new technologies to protect the shrine.

As Shiro walked in the shrine of lions, He looked at Keith's old room, a sense of nostalgia rubbed off of him as he was solely remembering the good times that he had with Keith.

They had spent many hours in that room, training, talking, and just hanging out. Shiro smiled as he remembered all the good times they had had together.

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