Chapter fifteen: Zarkon Vs Lotor

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"We'll split up into teams," Shiro suggested. "Aovk, Hunk and I will go with Lotor's team while Kiaion and Kuro stay here to protect Aurs."

The groups quickly made their way towards where Pidge and Lance were being held captive deep within a Galra base.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Aovk said.

"This is the place." Shiro said.

Shiro couldn't shake off the feeling that this was all too easy as they infiltrated the base and made their way towards Pidge and Lance's cell. The mission was going too smoothly, and it made him nervous.

"So, where's Zarkon?" Hunk said.

The absence of the Galra leader was too suspicious. But before they could ponder on it any further, they reached the cell and found Pidge and Lance inside, weak and injured.

"Are you guys okay?" Aovk asked, rushing to their side to help them up.

"We're fine," Pidge replied, leaning on Aovk for support. "But where's Zarkon?"

"He's not here," Lotor replied, stepping into the cell with a smirk on his face. "He's been called back to the Galra for an important meeting."

Shiro's suspicions were confirmed, this was all a trap to lure them in.

"We have to get out of here," Shiro said, helping Pidge and Lance up.

But before they could make a move, the alarms in the base went off and they heard the sounds of approaching Galra soldiers. They were outnumbered and surrounded.

Adam and Zarkon turned to the team.

"Looks like you won't be leaving here alive." Adam said with a wicked grin.

Shiro quickly assessed their situation, they were completely outnumbered and surrounded by powerful Galra forces. But he refused to give up hope just yet.

"Hunk, use your gun to create a diversion," Shiro ordered. "Kiaion, Kuro, get Pidge and Lance out of here while Aovk and I provide cover."

The team quickly sprang into action, with Hunk creating a loud explosion that distracted the Galra soldiers while Kiaion and Kuro led Pidge and Lance towards the exit. But as Aovk and Shiro fought off the Galra soldiers, they realized that their chances of making it out alive were becoming slimmer by the second.

"Shiro, we have to retreat," Aovk said as he fought off another group of soldiers.

But Shiro didn't want to leave anyone behind or let Zarkon win this battle. He took a deep breath and charged towards Lotor with determination in his eyes.

"You won't win," Shiro shouted as he engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Adam

Meanwhile, Hunk had managed to create another explosion that blew open an exit for them. Kiaion and Kuro quickly led Pidge and Lance towards it, but they were soon cornered by a group of Galra soldiers. As they prepared to fight, they were suddenly saved by a group of rebels from Balto, led by Captain Olia; the rebels had been monitoring the situation at the base and had arrived to help.

"We'll hold them off, you guys go," Olia said as she and her team fought off the Galra soldiers.

Pidge and Lance didn't waste any time and ran towards the exit. Meanwhile, Lotor and Shiro were still in a fierce battle with Adam and Zarkon. They were evenly matched, but Shiro refused to give in.

"You can't defeat me," Zarkon growled as he took another swing at Lotor. "You want the throne? Even with the power of the Samurai, you're too weak. You'll always be weak, You have Altean blood running through your veins, poisoning your very being. Finally, my darkest shame can be wiped from the universe forever."

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