Chapter twenty-six: Lotor's path in life

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In the past, a young Lotor stands confidently before his father in the grand throne room of the Galra Command Center, accompanied by a Dayak.

“Yes, sire. Prince Lotor has successfully completed the Agotian Trials as per your request. Despite their advanced nature, he surpassed all expectations,” the Dayak reported with a bow.

Zarkon, the powerful ruler, leaned forward, his gaze fixed on his son. “What more can you tell me?”

The Dayak hesitated briefly before continuing, “While Prince Lotor's physical stature may not match the typical Galra royalty, his tactical prowess is unparalleled. His scores are the highest we have ever recorded.”

Lotor, showing a rare moment of vulnerability before his father, spoke with a mix of determination and reverence, “All my actions are in service to the Galra. But, Father, I have a question that has weighed heavily on my mind.”

Dayak's eyes widened in a silent warning, but Zarkon waved a hand, granting permission for his son to speak.

Drawing a steadying breath, Lotor inquired, “I wish to know more about my mother. Please, Father, what can you tell me of her fate?”

Zarkon's expression hardened, a flicker of emotion crossing his face before he replied, “She was my sole weakness, but now she is no more.”

Undeterred, Lotor pressed on, his voice tinged with longing, “What was her name? What memories can you share of her?”

With a heavy sigh, Zarkon's Stone tone turned to steel, “That is enough, Lotor.”

Desperation crept into Lotor's voice, “Please, Father, I beg of you. I must understand my origins.”

Zarkon's eyes bore into his son with a mixture of disappointment and resolve, “I have said all that will be revealed. Disrupt the ritual no further, or I will find another who can enforce discipline.”

The Dayak, her loyalty unwavering, stepped forward, “Your Highness, you will face the consequences for your interruptions. We will purge these distractions, igniting the fire within you to wield it for the universe's sake. Vrepit Sa!”

In the Present day, Lotor blinks at his reflection in a window overlooking the doom lands, through the window and Lotor finally slides out of the window nook, walk down the hallway; he silently comes to an intersection of walkways, as Lotor stood at the intersection of walkways, Zarkon’s voice echoed in his mind, a whisper from the past that haunted his every step. "You are the legacy of the Galra, Lotor. Your destiny is written in the stars."

Lost in his thoughts, Lotor clenched his fists, his gaze shifting from the dim corridors to the flickering lights above. "Destiny," he murmured solemnly, "but at what cost?"

The distant hum of machinery filled the silence as he pondered his next move. With determination in his eyes, he straightened his posture and muttered to himself, "I will forge my own path, one that will redeem the sins of the past and define my future.” 

Lotor," a voice called out, causing Lotor to instinctively grasp his sword before realizing it was Lance.

"Lance, I didn't see you there," Lotor remarked, relaxing his stance. "What brings you to this shadowed path?"

"Lotor, Shiro is on the verge of completing the ship, and he's brought Adam with him," Lance explained, a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Adam? The Adam of the fire of purification?" Lotor questioned, surprised by the revelation.

"Yes, it's unexpected, but Shiro believes in giving him a second chance. I think you should consider it as well," Lance urged, his eyes filled with a glimmer of hope.

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