Chapter seven: Comes a fiery sky

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As dusk settled upon Aurs, the townspeople gathered in the streets, ready to celebrate the annual Festival of the Sun. Lanterns were lit and the streets were filled with laughter and merriment. Everyone eagerly awaited the coming of the sun.

The festival had been a tradition for centuries, and it was one of the most important events of the year. The townspeople would spend weeks preparing for it, cleaning their homes and businesses, and making decorations for the streets. On the day of the festival, everyone would dress in their finest clothes and gather in the town square to watch the festivities.

The highlight of the festival was the parade, which featured floats and marching bands. The parade would start at the town square and end at the temple of the sun god. At the temple, the townspeople would offer sacrifices to the sun god and pray for a good harvest.

After the parade, there would be a feast in the town square. The feast would feature traditional foods, such as roasted lamb, vegetables, and bread. There would also be music and dancing, and the townspeople would stay up late celebrating.

The Festival of the Sun was a time for the townspeople to come together and celebrate their community. It was also a time to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the future. The festival was a reminder of the importance of the sun god, and it was a way for the townspeople to thank him for his blessings.

However, back in the doomlands, Zarkon, Sendak and Adam were looking at a new Robeast.

"Devilburn, begin the test!" Adam said.

Under command, Devilburn began to incinerate the Galra ships, painting the sky a bright red blood.

"Emperor, this is Devilburn the giant Robeast, the masterpiece and pride on how far science has got us, his special super-compressed gas will keep a fire burning at about six thousand degrees for some time." Adam said.

"I see! Then Sendak, take Devilburn and launch an attack on Aurs." Zarkon ordered.

"Yes, sire." Sendak said. "Just wait until the Alteans on Aurs get a look at Devilburn."

Meanwhile, Shiro was on Aurs, leading a group of Alteans in a kung fu lesson against the Galra. The Alteans were eager to learn, and Shiro was patient and encouraging. He showed them the basics of kung fu, and then he put them through a series of drills. The Alteans were quick learners, and they soon picked up the basics of the martial art.

After the drills, Shiro led the Alteans in a sparring match. The Alteans were hesitant at first, but Shiro encouraged them to go all out. The Alteans fought bravely, and they gave Shiro a good workout. Shiro was impressed with the Alteans' progress, and he knew that they would be a force to be reckoned with when the time came to fight the Galra.

After the sparring match, Shiro gave the Alteans a pep talk. He told them that they were the future of Aurs, and that they had to be prepared to fight for their freedom. The Alteans listened intently, and they vowed to do whatever it took to protect their home.

Shiro was proud of the Alteans, and he knew that they would be ready when the time came. He was confident that they would defeat the Galra and restore peace to Aurs.

After the kung fu lesson and pep talk, Shiro returned to the palace to meet with Romelle and the rest of the team. They discussed their plan to defend Aurs from the Galra attack. Romelle had been working on strengthening the Shrine's defenses, and they had also set up a system to alert them of any approaching ships.

"We need to be prepared for anything," Shiro said. "The Galra are a formidable enemy, and they won't hesitate to use force if they think it will get them what they want."

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