Chapter sixteen: Postmortem

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As Shiro and the others gathered to tend to their injuries and regroup, Shiro couldn't help but feel a sense of closure. The war was on the verge of being over, and he could return to Earth to start a new life.

"Part of me misses my people hiding away from Galra but since the Seireitei became the hub for refugees in this quadrant, it made sense that we should return to the world and transform it into the Coalition's capital." Yodala said.

She's right, they needed to deal with the aftermath of the war. There were still pockets of Galra resistance scattered across Altea and they needed to be dealt with before true peace could be achieved.

"So much has changed so fast." Shiro said

"For the better." Bandor said

"Yeah, well, Zarkon may be dead, but the war's not over yet." Avok said.

"That is why the people are grateful the Samurai are here until our defense systems are fully operational. I fear tumultuous times are upon us." Yodala said.

Their resolve was unwavering as they looked toward the horizon, where a new world awaited them. With a shared commitment, they vowed to forge a brighter future, a coalition united in purpose, where the echoes of war would fade into a distant memory. The journey had been arduous, but the promise of a peaceful and prosperous future beckoned them onward.

In the meanwhile, on a Galra ship, a Galra General named Vrok stood before his troops, addressing them with a fervent speech about their next mission. With Zarkon gone, it was up to them to continue the fight against the Coalition.

"We may have lost our leader, but we will not lose this war!" Vrok declared, his voice booming through the ship's intercom.

The Galra soldiers let out roars of approval and pumped their fists in the air. They were fiercely loyal to their cause and would follow Vrok into battle without hesitation.

Their next target was Aurs, the heart of the Coalition. It was there that they would strike a crippling blow and show the universe that the Galra were still a force to be reckoned with.

Vrok knew that this mission would not be easy. The Coalition's forces were strong and united, and they had powerful allies like the Samurai at their side. But he was confident in his troops' abilities and determination.

"Prepare for battle!" Vrok commanded as he led his army towards Aurs.

With Shiro and Lotor, as they prepared for their next move.

"They should be here any minute." Shiro said.

"Good. There is much to discuss." Lotor said.

"Are you all right?" Shiro said as he noticed that Lotor seemed distracted.

When he asked about it, Lotor just say; "I'll be fine."

Shiro didn't press any further, knowing that Lotor was still dealing with the aftermath of his father's death and his own role in it. Instead, he changed the subject.

"We need to come up with a plan to stop the Galra from attacking Aurs," Shiro said, getting straight to business.

Lotor nodded. "Yes, I have been studying their tactics and I believe I have a strategy that could work."

The two of them discussed their ideas and came up with a plan that they hoped would put an end to the Galra's attacks once and for all. However, as they were finalizing their plan, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Romelle, Bandor and Yodala arrived.

"What's going on, Lotor?" Lance said.

"The death of my father has created a power vacuum within the Galra Empire. The most formidable Galra leaders will gather for what is called the Kral Zera sometime in the next two days to decide who will take the throne. We must be there." Lotor said.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 7Where stories live. Discover now