Chapter six: Pulse

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As they stood in the bushes, A rebel group waited in the bushes for a Galra transport carrying an unknown weapon, thanks to intel telling them of a new weapon that would be transported through the Woods of Aurs. What the weapon was, they had no idea. That's what made it so dangerous.

As Shiro hid in the bushes near the transport trail with Lance and Hunk, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. They had been planning this mission for weeks, but now that it was finally here, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong.

He glanced at Lance and Hunk, who were both looking equally nervous. They had all seen their fair share of action, but this was different. This was a mission that could change the course of the war.

They had to be careful. They had to be precise. And they had to be successful.

The transport rumbled into view, and the rebels tensed. It was now or never.

Just then, they heard the signal from Keith and saw the transport coming the way, the large vehicle bouncing along the uneven dirt road, its headlights illuminating the dust cloud in its wake. The transport was a welcome sight, as they had been walking for hours and were exhausted. They quickly gathered their things and waved to Keith, who waved back and brought the transport to a stop.

The other rebels that came with us surrounded the transport upon Keith's signal. Soon, the driver came out and was about to escape, when he suddenly got caught in one of Pidge's nets.

"Boom, nets." She said smiling.

Shiro smiled back and faced the transport, Shiro and Keith walking up to the closed doors.

"Everyone, be ready." Keith said, "Our scouts reported the Galra is transporting a new prototype weapon. And they wouldn't brave the Woods unless it was something powerful."

Shiro nodded in agreement. "We need to move fast," he said. "Once they realize they've been ambushed, they'll send reinforcements."

Keith nodded. "I'll take points," he said. "Shiro, you cover our backs."

Shiro nodded and they both drew their weapons. Keith kicked open the door and they rushed inside, guns blazing. The Galra inside were caught off guard and were quickly overwhelmed.

"Clear!" Keith shouted.

As Shiro forced the door open, only to reveal absolutely nothing inside.

"Invisible. Genius." Pidge added.

Mama climbed into the truck and swung her sword. There was nothing inside. Just, emptiness.

"Or it's just empty." Pidge said, "But, at least we were prepared for it."

"But our scouts said that Adam would be moving the weapon today. It's supposed to be here."

Just then, we heard rumbling in the nearby trees. They all faced the direction in which the sound was coming from and saw several bots closing in on them.

"It's an ambush!" Lance said and they prepared to fight.

It was a few hours after the ambush and after defeating the bots, they went back to the rebel base outside of Aurs to tend to their injuries. Thankfully, no one got hurt too bad.

"I don't understand how this happened." Romelle said.

"The Galra must have figured out we were going after the transport and laid a trap." Koilvan said.

"Are you all okay?" Romelle asked, barging into the tent with Koilvan.

Hunk nodded. "We're fine," one of them said. "Just a few scratches and bruises."

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 7Where stories live. Discover now