Chapter three: Haggar Gets her Pink Slip

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Lightning struck the doom lands as Haggar was sitting in her cell, her face contorted in rage. Adam had managed to dethrone her as Zarkon's second in command, and she was not going to let it stand.

"Damm, that Adam," she muttered. "How did he do it?"

She had been so sure that she had him under her thumb. He had been so easy to manipulate, so eager to please. But then, he started to change. He had become more independent, more questioning. He had even started to stand up to her.

And then, he had betrayed her. He had allied himself with Zarkon, and together they had defeated her.

She had been humiliated. She had been stripped of her power. And she was determined to get revenge.

She would find a way to destroy Adam and the Force Samurai. She would regain her power, and she would rule the Galra Empire with an iron fist.

No one would ever stand in her way again.

Back at Aurs, Shiro and the team sat in the chairs in the meeting room, exhausted but relieved. They had just pulled off a major heist, Hunk and Lance had rescued people from the Galra Empire's experiments. 

And now, they were finally able to take a moment to relax and catch their breath.

Shiro leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He couldn't believe they had actually pulled it off. It had been so close, so many times. But they had never given up. They had never stopped believing.

He opened his eyes and looked at his team. They were all looking at him, their faces filled with the same sense of relief and accomplishment.

"We did it," Shiro said.

"We did," Hunk said.

"We're the best," Lance said.

"No," Shiro said. "We're the Samurai. And we're going to save the universe."

The team cheered and raised their glasses in a toast. They had done it. They had saved the day. And they were going to save Altea.

But they knew that the fight was not over. The Galra Empire was still a powerful force, and they would not give up without a fight. But the Samurai were determined to stop them. They would not rest until Altea was free.

They would fight for Altea. They would fight for the universe. And they would win.

Back in the doom lands, Adam and Sendak were going through Haggar's lab with Rukuro. 

They had been searching for clues to Haggar's plans for weeks, and they were finally starting to make some progress.

They had found a number of strange devices in the lab, but they didn't know what most of them did. Rukuro was able to identify some of them, but there were still a few that they couldn't figure out.

"This one looks like some kind of power generator," Adam said, pointing to a large, metal device.

"Yes," Rukuro agreed. "It appears to be powered by dark energy."

"Dark energy?" Sendak asked. "What's that?"

"It's a type of energy that is very powerful, but also very dangerous," Rukuro explained. "It can be used for good or for evil."

"I see," Sendak said. "Well, I hope Haggar is using it for good for the Empire."

"I doubt it, but then again it's Haggar." Adam said. 

"Commander." Kam said. 

"Yes." Adam said. 

"We managed to find Lotor's generals." Kam said. 

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 7حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن