Chapter twenty: The return of the White Lion

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"So, this magic rock is gonna guide us to a mysterious Land?" Pidge said, her voice filled with wonder and curiosity. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as Shiro held the ancient artifact in his hands, its smooth surface pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow.

"A land known as Oriande," Lotor replied, his deep voice echoing through the dimly lit chamber. "A realm lost to time, shrouded in myth and legend. It is said to be a place of extraordinary beauty and wonder, a land where the impossible becomes possible."

Pidge's heart raced with excitement as she imagined the adventures that awaited them. She had always dreamed of exploring uncharted territories, of discovering hidden treasures and unraveling ancient mysteries. And now, with the magic rock in their possession, it seemed like anything was possible.

"But why Oriande?" Hunk asked, his brow furrowed in concern. "And how do we even know if this magic rock is real?"

"The rock is real, Hunk," Shiro said, stepping forward. "It is an ancient artifact, passed down through generations of Alteans. It is said to hold the key to Oriande, a land that exists beyond the boundaries of our Lands."

"But why would the Alteans keep such a secret?" Lance questioned, his eyes narrowed with skepticism.

"Because Oriande is not a place for the faint of heart," Lotor explained. "It is a realm of great power and danger, where the laws of physics bend and the impossible becomes commonplace. Only those who are truly worthy and prepared can survive the journey to Oriande."

The team looked at each other, their hearts pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. They knew that the journey to Oriande would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but they were determined to uncover the secrets of this lost land and fulfill their destiny as the protectors of Altea.

"I have been researching Oriande for centuries, hoping to learn more about my Altean ancestry.

Over time, I've managed to gather evidence from all over the universe that hinted at its existence.Now, thanks to Shiro, I will finally set foot upon this legendary land and gaze upon its magnificence with my own eyes," Lotor declared, his voice filled with a mix of awe and anticipation.

Hunk, a jovial and pragmatic member of the team, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement. "Uh, aren't you a little busy running your empire to take a magical vacation?" he teased.

Lotor chuckled. "In order to transition the Galra Empire to a peaceful existence, I need to open up a pathway to the quintessence field," he explained. "Once my people have access to unlimited energy, the old ways of the empire will be left behind."

Shiro, the steadfast leader of the group, nodded in agreement. "And if this voyage is successful, Altea will finally be on the path to peace," he said, his gaze unwavering.

With shared determination and a spirit of unity, the team prepared for their perilous journey to Oriande. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were ready to face whatever obstacles lay in their path. Their hearts were set on discovering the secrets of this lost land and forging a brighter future for Altea and the Galra Empire.

"Well, let's find out where we're going," Lance said, his eyes scanning the vast expanse of sky before them.

"There, between those three Islands' bodies. That's where we're headed," Shiro said, pointing towards a distant cluster of Islands.

"Wait a tick, that's the Patrulian Zone," Pidge said, her voice tinged with concern.

"What now?" Lance asked, his brow furrowed.

"The Patrulian Zone is a mysterious part of space where ships enter and are never heard from again. Shiro, that area has been deemed unsafe to navigate for ages," Pidge explained.

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