Chapter eighteen: Keith's Bloodlines

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Back on Aurs, the team were mad at Shiro for letting Lotor go to the Kral Zera, but the Galra Empire is stable for now, as they sat around the table in their shared quarters, tensions were high and emotions were running raw. Shiro could feel the weight of their anger and disappointment pressing down on him like a heavy cloak.

He knew he deserved their ire. He had been the one to suggest seeking help from Lotor, the half-Galra prince with a shaky allegiance to the team. But only that he went to the Kral Zera behind their backs.

Shiro felt guilty and ashamed. He knew he had made a mistake and knew he had to make it up to them. But first he had to explain himself.

Lance, the sharpshooter of the group, was the first to speak. His voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "How could you do this to us, Shiro? We trusted you. We thought we were a team."

Pidge, the tech genius, added her voice, her tone laced with disbelief. "You went behind our backs to seek help from Lotor?"

Hunk, the gentle giant of the team, shook his head sadly. "I don't understand, Shiro. Why would you risk everything for him?"

Shiro took a deep breath, his gaze shifting from one teammate to another. "I know I've made a mistake," he said, his voice heavy with remorse. "I should have been more transparent with you all. I should have consulted you before making such a drastic decision."

He explained his reasoning, revealing that he believed Lotor had changed and that his knowledge of the Galra Empire could be invaluable in their fight against the insidious forces threatening the universe. He also admitted that he had hoped to establish a line of communication with Lotor, potentially leading to a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

The team listened intently, their expressions shifting from anger to confusion to contemplation. They understood Shiro's intentions, but they still struggled to reconcile his actions with the trust they had placed in him.

Shiro's admission gave them a glimmer of hope, and they decided to give him another chance. They agreed to give him the opportunity to prove himself.

Back at the base of the blade of Marmora, Keith and Kolivan stood before a screen displaying an image of a Galra base. Their expressions were serious as they contemplated the information presented before them.

"This base was, until recently, under the control of warlord Ranveig," Kolivan explained. "She was developing a super weapon of some sort, but we're not sure of its exact specifications. All we know is that it's incredibly powerful."

Keith frowned, his brow furrowed in concern. "How did we learn all this?" he asked.

"We have a spy in Ranveig's camp who's managed to acquire high-level security clearance," Kolivan replied. "Since Ranveig's departure, it's possible that she assumed control of the base, but we can't be sure."

The revelation of the Galra base and the potential super weapon was a concerning development for Keith and Kolivan. The Galra were a formidable enemy, and the thought of them possessing a weapon of such immense power was unsettling. They understood that they needed to gather more information and devise a plan of action to neutralize the threat.

Keith's mind raced as he processed the information. He knew that the situation called for careful consideration and a strategic approach.

In response to Kolivan's explanation of the urgent mission, Keith's initial query of "Why not?" hinted at a deeper conflict within him. Kolivan revealed that the situation was dire.

A weapon has been discovered by more than just us. Two Galra factions are at war over the territory, led by Commanders Trugg and Ladnok. As a result of their fighting, all communication has been cut off. We need you to infiltrate the base, find our spy, and destroy Ranveig's weapon." Kolivan instructed. "Keith, this is of utmost importance. If either faction acquires this weapon, it could tip the balance of power in their favor. So you cannot let your feelings cloud your judgment."

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