Chapter nineteen: The Warhammer

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It was well past midnight in Altea, in the North Tower of Commander Gnov and her lieutenants. The chamber was crowded with Galra soldiers, all seated on raised bleachers and facing a central stage. The atmosphere was tense with anticipation as everyone waited for something to happen.

Gnov and her lieutenants sat together on one side of the room, their faces impassive. The room was filled with the quiet chatter of soldiers speculating about why they had been called to this council meeting.

"So, they called this council meeting? Does anyone have any idea why?" Lieutenant Vakax asked, his voice echoing in the chamber.

"If Sendak and Quartermaster Janka want to be killed at night, so be it," Commander Gnov said dismissively.

On the stage, Rose nervously pulled apart the curtains and peered through. She quickly closed them and turned back to her companions.

"Not exactly a welcoming crowd," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Especially Commander Gnov! What's her problem?" Kum asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"It's no surprise," Sendak said bitterly. "She was closer to Zarkon than any of us."

The soldiers in the audience exchanged uneasy glances, wondering what Zarkon's fall from power meant for them. Some were loyal to him, while others were eager to embrace the new era of peace. The tension in the room was palpable, and it was clear that anything could happen.

"Enough loser talk. We can do this. Just remember what we practiced and keep your eye on the prize." Adam said.

"Practice, oh please it's going to take a lot more than practice to impress her and I should know." Quartermaster Janka said.

"That's why we need this. I know she sees us as weak but we have been through a lot together, yes even though Zarkon is gone but gives us more reason to continue his legacy." Adam said. "Now, come on everyone. Let's get out there and impress some Galra... or we die!"

In the Galra council chamber, tensions were running high as the Galra leaders impatiently awaited news from their forces in the field.

"Dang it, Commander Gnov!" exclaimed Lieutenant Arto. "What's taking them so long?"

Gnov, Arto, and Vakax looked up as the curtains over the window closed and the stage curtains opened to reveal Wakun and Rokuro standing in the spotlight. A drumroll echoed through the room, and as Adam set down an easel, the music switched to a catchy pop tune. Kam began to dance, and the Galra gasped in awe.

Rose shifted the spotlight to rest on Sendak, who was standing above the stage with a rope in hand. He swung onto the stage and landed on a loose floorboard, which catapulted Wakun into the air. Sendak then used a t-shirt cannon to shoot t-shirts reading 'Galrz Rule!!!' into the crowd.

The Galra were amazed by the performance, and they cheered enthusiastically. They had never seen anything like it before. The performance was a mix of music, dance, and acrobatics, and it was executed flawlessly.

In the dimly lit room, a small group of Galra rebels gathered around a table, their faces etched with determination. Commander Gnov, a grizzled veteran with a stern expression, surveyed them.

"You all took a huge risk coming here to gain support for your rebellion," he said, his voice echoing in the silence.

Lieutenant Vakax, a young and enthusiastic officer, leaned forward eagerly. "And it paid off. We frogging loved it!"

Adam, a quiet and thoughtful soldier and a human, simply nodded in agreement.

Sendak, a tall and imposing figure, cleared his throat and addressed the group. "My fellow Galra," he began, his voice ringing with passion. "For years, we have kept Altea in line, following the path that Zarkon led us down. But he is gone, and his son has taken over. Now, he seeks to betray us, to sell us out to the enemy. We have served the empire for centuries, and now our way of life is being threatened by one single man. I propose a future where we, the Galra, overthrow Lotor and take our rightful place as rulers of all the empire!"

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