Chapter twenty-two: Razor's Edge

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It was supposed to be an easy mission that Kolivan gave Keith a mission to infiltrate a base, contact one of our spy’s, destroy a weapon by warlord Ranvieg and get out.

The area was surrounded and under fire by two Galra commanders who wanted to take possession of the weapon being held in the base.

However, it became even more complicated once Keith met the spy, her name was Krolia, a Blade who was the commander of the base Keith was sent to infiltrate, they met and got into some trouble while trying to enter codes to secure the weapon, they were caught and Krolia surrendered the weapon for Keith.

One of the most surprising things was that she was able to use his Marmora blade, and the next thing…Was even more shocking as they were in an escape pod, flying around in space with no real destination in mind, when she told him.

“You're my mom? How? How did you get to Earth? How…How did you meet my dad? How…how are you sure?” Keith asked, panicked and confused.

“I'm sure.” She answered calmly, but with a sense of sadness in her voice as well. “This isn't how I hoped to meet you again, and this isn't how I wanted to tell you, but it's the truth.
We can talk about this later.”

“What?” Keith asked. “You drop a bomb like this and tell me you'll explain later?

“We've got more important things to deal with right now.” Krolia said.

“Fine.” Keith reluctantly said.

“We're going after the enriched quintessence that created Ranveig's super weapon.” She told him.

Keith looked back at her with wide eyes. “What? Kolivan and I have been searching for that quintessence for a long time.”

Krolia looked down as she recalled things from the past. “I was with Ranveig when an unmarked cargo ship passed into his region.” She explained. “When we checked it out, there was no crew aboard. The ship had been nearly torn to pieces, but inside, a single vat of quintessence remained. It was unlike any other quintessence we'd seen.”

“It was unlike any other quintessence we'd seen.” Keith asked.

“No, but I analyzed the ship personally. The radiation signature indicated it had passed through the quantum abyss.” Krolia said.

“Quantum abyss? What's that?” Keith asked.

She pulled up a map on the ship’s dashboard, showing him the location of the quantum abyss and its points.

“It's a part of the world that is chaotic with its mountains being pulled and torn in different directions and the pressure of such massive objects has unusual effects on gravity.” Krolia explained.

“And that's where we're heading?” Keith said.

“Yes.” Krolia said.

In the vast expanse of the universe, within the sprawling Galra Empire, a momentous undertaking was unfolding in the shipyard. Under the watchful eyes of Shiro and Lotor, the mighty Sincline ships were being meticulously assembled. The air buzzed with anticipation, as a profound revelation was about to change the course of history.

Lotor, recognizing Shiro's extraordinary abilities, acknowledged his potential to unlock the secrets of alchemy. With words filled with respect and admiration, he said, "As an alchemist, Allura possessed a unique gift that enabled her to accomplish incredible feats, a legacy passed down through generations. Now, Shiro, you have inherited that same gift.”

Shiro, humbled by Lotor's words, couldn't help but reflect on his recent visit to Oriande. It had been a transformative journey, revealing truths that exceeded his imagination. "Our time in Oriande has taught me more than I could have ever anticipated,” he replied. “Thank you, Lotor.”

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