Chapter thirteen: The Dinner

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"That's when Shiro swung his sword and attacked. His enemies were caught off guard and quickly retreated." Lance said, his voice filled with admiration for his friend's bravery and skill.

"What can I say? I'm a natural." Shiro said as he only says it because he knows its true, grinning with pride, remained calm and focused.

Shiro's sword was swift and relentless, and his enemies were no match for his skill. His victory was complete and he earned the respect of his friends.

"So true." Hunk said.

"Too bad that Keith wasn't here to see." Pidge said.

Shiro nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it would have been nice to have him here."

"And I kicked them!" Lance added.

"Yes! Get them." Romelle cried out in cheer as she pumped her fist. This was what always excited Romelle since her reign as high-priestess began several weeks ago, but she had quickly proven herself to be a fierce and passionate leader. She was always eager to hear tales of her friends' bravery and skill in battle, and she never failed to show her support and admiration for them.

"I wish I could have been there with you," Romelle said wistfully. "But at least I get to hear the stories afterwards."

"Yeah, we missed having you by our side," Shiro said sincerely. "But your duties as high-priestess are just as important. We couldn't have won without your guidance and support."

Romelle smiled gratefully at Shiro's words. It meant a lot coming from someone she admired so much.

"So after I kicked their butts," Lance continued, giving Romelle a playful wink.

Throughout the many proceedings and work she had to do, what with all the meetings, all the business she had to conduct, and resources to distribute throughout Aurs, she was beyond exhausted spiritually as every dull task kept her from enjoying the fun stuff that the rest of her friends were going through. The only semblance of fun she had was listening to their reports about how they kicked the Galra's metal butt over and over again.

"And then what happened?" Romelle asked eagerly, leaning in closer to listen.

"Well, when we got back, you were waiting for us," Hunk interjected with a mischievous grin.

"I know, I wish that Coran was here, he scolded us for not following orders and going on an unauthorized mission." Romelle said.

"Yes, but he saw our spoils from the battle," Pidge added with a chuckle.

"And that's when we all broke into groups to celebrate," Shiro finished with a smile. "We may have gotten into trouble, but it was worth it in the end."

Romelle laughed along with her friends as they reminisced about their adventure. It was moments like this that made her grateful for the bonds she had formed with them.

As the group settled into a comfortable silence, Romelle took a moment to reflect on how far they had come. It seemed like just yesterday they were all strangers, brought together by fate and the common goal of defeating the Galra Empire.

But now, they were more than just comrades in arms. They were friends, family even. They had been through so much together and had formed unbreakable bonds along the way.

Romelle smiled as she looked around at her friends, each one of them unique and special in their own way.

There was Shiro, the fearless leader who always put his team's safety above his own. Pidge, the genius inventor who could hack into any system and build anything from scraps. Hunk, the gentle giant with a heart of gold and an unmatched skill in cooking. And Lance, the charismatic sharpshooter who never failed to bring humor and lightheartedness to even the toughest situations.

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