Chapter fourteen: Bloodbath

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Alter the dinner-party with the people of Aurs, Shiro and the others continued the night by themselves, the cool night air wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. The moon was high, illuminating the beautiful gardens and fountains of Aurs, giving everything a soft, ethereal glow.

Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Romelle were all so different, yet somehow they all shared a sense of longing and dissatisfaction with their lives. It was a kind of bond that formed, one that Shiro hadn't felt in a long time.

And so they continued the night, talking and laughing until the early hours of the morning. For a brief moment, Shiro has slowly forgotten about the war with the Galra Empire, they were just sentient beings, sharing their stories and their vulnerabilities, and in that moment, that was all that mattered.

As the night came to a close, Lance placed a hand on Shiro's shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you for coming tonight," he said.

Shiro nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards this group of people who had welcomed him with open arms. "Thank you for having me," he replied. "I think I needed this more than I realized."

However, darkness is everlasting as within the woods of Aurs. As Shiro made his way back to the shrine, his thoughts still filled with the memories from the dinner party, as he walked through the gardens, he couldn't help but notice how the once serene atmosphere had changed. The air was thick with an eerie stillness, and Shiro could feel a sense of unease creeping up on him.

He quickened his pace, wanting to reach the safety of the shrine as soon as possible. But as he neared it, he noticed that something was off. The candles that usually lit up the entrance were extinguished, and the doors were slightly ajar.

Shiro's heart began to beat faster as he cautiously pushed open the doors and stepped inside. The interior was dark and quiet, a stark contrast to its usual warm and welcoming atmosphere.

"Hello?" Shiro called out, but there was no response. He clenched his fists, ready for any danger that may come his way.

As he made his way through the corridors of the shrine, he noticed that everything seemed untouched except for one room–Lotor's room–was in complete disarray.

Shiro's heart sank as he realized what must have happened, Lotor had been attacked by someone or something.

He frantically searched for any signs of him or whoever had done this but found nothing.

With a heavy heart, Shiro gathered Lotor's sword and went outside to inform Romelle and the leaders of the Coalition about what had happened.

But before he even reached their meeting place, a group of dark figures emerged from within the woods. They surrounded Shiro with malicious intent in their eyes.

One figure stepped forward – a dark-haired woman with sharp features and an aura that reeked of darkness.

"So you're the one who has been meddling in our plans," she said in a cold voice.

Shiro raised Lotor's sword, ready to defend himself. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice shaking with both fear and determination.

The dark-haired woman smirked. "We are the ones who will take back what is rightfully ours," she replied cryptically.

Before Shiro could ask any more questions, the woman and her group began to attack him. Shiro fought with all his might, but he was outnumbered and soon found himself on the ground, exhausted and wounded.

Just as he thought it was all over for him, a group of warriors from the Coalition arrived and drove off the attackers. They rushed to Shiro's side and helped him up.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 7Where stories live. Discover now