Chapter 15: The Dream

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Author's Note: This is the sneak peak from the end of Metallic Hearts, just if any of you get confused :)
Happy reading!

Chapter 15: The Dream:


//13 Months After Noel’s Disappearance//

~~~~~~~~~~~{Noel’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

I watched as the azure sky turned blackberry purple and I couldn't help but sigh, the smell of summer rain swelled over me as a low rumble rolled over the sky.

High ridges of mountain tops reached up as the sky reached down, forks of lightning for hands to delicately touch her lover for mere seconds at a time.

The wind seemed to pick up and the trees started to dance with her touch, the animals started to sound.

An animalistic growl emanated from the sky just before the rain started, splitting the sky into two, weeping for her time with her lover was almost up.

All too soon, the rain passes and the azure sky returned, the charcoal clouds rolling away.

I'd forgotten how unpredictable Earth could be, how time passed quickly here, not slowly. I wasn't sure where I was exactly but I was pretty certain I was in America, possibly California.

My time in Asgard was up, my time with Loki and Enchantress was over.

I had finally left their grasp.

* * *                                                      

Once I found my way to Los Angeles, I discovered that the Fire Fighters Family Fund Benefit was in full swing at the Disney Concert Hall and I knew he was going to be there, he was the host after all.

I wasn't supposed to make contact with him, but I needed to at least see him, to make sure he was alright. A year could change a person, for better or for worse.

Had he moved on? Was he engaged? Married, even? How was Steve, was he fitting in? What about Sky? Had Bruce and Starlie gotten to a steady place? Once I knew the answers to these questions then I could talk to Thor, tell him the news.

I wasn't dressed for the event, I was in a cute lacy shirt and black skinny jeans with my favourite scrappy heels, but I didn't mind. I slipped through the celebrities on the red carpet and entered the Hall.

I immediately noticed the lack of Avengers, for which I was sort of grateful. Within a minute my eyes had found him, he was talking to an elderly couple with his arm around a young strawberry blonde girl. I heard snippets of their conversation -it was amazing how his voice still affected me, making my knees go weak. How his laugh made a contagious smile break out on my face.

I hung around at the bar for a while, just listening to him talk. I looked inconspicuous and normal. I sipped at my raspberry cruiser and let the memories flood back.

It was only when a hand was placed on my shoulder that I felt out of place.

"Apologies, m'dear, but you look almost identical to an old friend." A voice said behind me, it was his voice undoubtedly. But I wasn't going to turn around just yet.

"Why is she an 'old friend?'" I asked, making my voice husky so he wouldn't recognise it as mine.

"She moved countries." He stated, ordering himself a drink; a dry martini.

I turned around slowly, frightful of his reaction. I took a long swing of my drink. "Something tells me it was a lot further than that."

He stared at me for a long, tension filled moment before he grabbed my waist and pulled me close, whispering in my ear. "You're real?"

I nodded as I leaned in, forgetting everything I'd promised myself and letting my lips melt together with Tony's.

* * *

I woke with a start to find myself facing a huge window with a light, cool breeze hitting my face.

"Good morning, Noel." Enchantress smiled, "Sleep well?"

I shrugged and sat up.

It had all seemed so real, I bought my fingers up to my lips as if I could still feel Tony there...but he hadn't been there at all.

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