Chapter 36: Smash

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Chapter 36: Smash

~~~~~~~~~~~{Starlie’s Point of View}~~~~~~~~~~~

We got the gym –which was kind of ironic, since gym had been my favourite class back in school. Now? Not so much. Storming an entire gymnasium full of Hydra soldiers and agents –and god only knows what else- was definitely not on my Top Ten List of Things Before I Die.

Which could very well have been today considering the way things had been going lately.

But I did have Bruce and Thor by my sides. The three strongest people in the universe and we were going up against some soldiers, needless to say, I was feeling pretty good about our chances.

“Right,” Bruce called my attention to him. The others had dispersed amongst the school to take on their own buildings and hordes of soldiers and agents. “So, I have a feeling that they’re guarding some sort of technology in there.”
“Really, in a gym?” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Just trust me. I’m not going to Hulk up until I’m sure there’s no dangerous devices that can be set off and blow us all too tiny little pieces.” Bruce smiled wickedly at the last few words and Thor griped his hammer a little more tightly.
“I will take the sky and break through the roof.” Thor started swinging his hammer and eventually he took off, his feet leaving the ground and his red cape smacking me in the face.

The next thing I knew, I heard a concrete ceiling being smashed to pieces and Bruce’s hand on my shoulder. “Honey, I need you to Hulk up for me now.” He whispered and I stared at him.

I’d bought my guns, my agent skills and my suit! I hadn’t had enough training with using my Hulk genes. I just knew when I got mad I turned into a blonde, less-green and less-male Hulk.

“I-” I started to protest, but Bruce was already gone. He’d slid into the gym right through the front doors. Thor’s roof-destruction had proved to be a pretty damn good distraction, even if we hadn’t planned it that way.
(Truthfully, we hadn’t planned anything. We were going in blind.)

I groaned in frustration and followed him, thinking of the worst things that had happened to me.

Getting kicked out of the S.P.A because my dad was the Hulk.

Finding out my dad was the freaking Hulk via the S.P.A kicking me out.

Agent Coldfire.

But nothing was working. I wasn’t getting mad enough.

The second I stepped foot into the gym I was swarmed by agents. I hadn’t seen this many people dressed in black jumpsuits and red masks since Halloween –and I still didn’t understand what all those people were supposed to be.

Bruce was half way across the room, soldiers were trying to grab at his arms but he was managing to duck and weave his way through them –I knew that wouldn’t last long though, he would have to Hulk-up sooner or later.
He’d also been right; they were definitely hiding some sort of tech in here. Blue lights lit up the floor, in between the tracks of floorboards were thin copper wires that connected up to a small circuit in the middle of the room. I had no idea what it was or what it could do, but Bruce was making lead-way for it and the soldiers were having a crack and trying to stop him.

In the ten seconds it took me to notice all of these things, three agents had pinned me down. Admittedly, not my finest move. I was definitely out of practice –the Avengers Initiative had caused me to go soft, start up relationships, and thaw out toward other people. I noticed everything slower; my reflexes were at least a half a second shy of what they used to be.

“Iolar!” It took me a second to remember that in this type of situation, that was my name. And Thor was yelling it out at the top of his lungs causing the room to shake. “Iolar!”
“I’m fine!” I grunted, kicking the three soldiers who were pinning me. One kick to one’s groin, another hit to the taller one’s knees and the next one landed on the skinny one’s ankle. I may or may not have heard a snap.

I rolled over and stood up. I could feel the adrenaline pumping already. Bruce was at the circuit, but his skin was rippling, turning a slight green colour –he couldn’t hold out much longer, but if he Hulked-up before he knew what that thing could do, we could all be facing something catastrophic.

“Thor, protect Banner!” I shouted, pointing to my dad who was hunched over the device. If anything happened to him... If he got hurt... It would all be on me. Mum would never know that the love her life was still alive. I would lose my dad almost as soon as I’d found him.

Thor nodded, and I found my vision getting a little sharper, my arms got a little lighter and my voice disappeared and was replaced by low growls and grunts. I was Hulked-up.

The battle, quite honestly, didn’t feel like a battle at all. I guess the soldiers hadn’t been prepped to deal with one Hulk, let alone two, because shortly after I Hulked-up, Bruce shut down the device and joined me. Thor was slapping people away with his hammer, breaking skulls, cracking ribs, squishing limbs and liquefying organs. The Hulk was basically stomping on the agents and soldiers like an elephant stomping on an trail of ants. He was skilled at this, able to control his actions.

Me? I was clumsy, like a just-born foal, stumbling around in between soldiers, occasionally swiping my hand out to the side and knocking a half a dozen of them into the nearest wall, knocking them out –or killing them, to be honest I wasn’t too sure anymore.

I remembered soldiers yelling at me to get on the ground, others shouting to forget protocol and aim for the head –of course, they fired about ten rounds into my skull and they left nothing but dents. That terrified me.

Bullets couldn’t hurt me anymore. What else was I immune to? Disease? Infection? Drugs?

Could I die?

What were my weaknesses exactly?

I lost track of how long the skirmishes went on for. It could have been five minutes, but it also could have been five hours.
I just remember that when all the soldiers in the gymnasium were on their backs or in piles of blood and bone fragments, I saw Thor’s face fall into shock. Bruce was already out of Hulk form and he looked like someone had just died.


Author's Note: hello! Apologies for the un-scheduled 3 week hiatus, I was pretty busy over my holidays, then school started and House of Hades came out and to be honest, last week is kind of a blur. xD 

Anyway! Managed to finish this chapter, hooray! What do you think? Why are Thor and Bruce shocked? 
Remember that theres only 4 chapters left of Metallic Lights, so if you've got a question, ask it soon!

Also! Important announcement! I was thinking that in between Metallic Lights and Metallic Soldiers (Metallic Lights book 4), I'd do another oneshot competition, and possible add fan art into the competition as well. But I'm only gonna run it if people sound interested, so if you would like to write a oneshot based on the Metallic Universe or do some fan art for the series, please express your interest in comments or PM me! I'll be announcing if the competition will be going ahead or not by the end of the book. :)

Thats all for now. I'll updating again soon, hopefully!

*Huggles* arielleblack

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