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‘Metallic Lights’ Bonus Content

-Bonus Content #1

·         An Interview with the Avengers, plus Noel Barton, Skylar Evans and Pepper Potts.

Firstly, thank you to everyone that sent in questions!
Secondly, to all the characters here, I want to say that this is a ‘trust circle’ of sorts. You must answer the questions that have been sent in by the fans but anything that someone says cannot be held against them and will not leave this room. No one can judge anyone during this interview. Now, to begin...

Me: First question is for Noel from @caittles_37: Noel, why didn’t you just tell everyone that you were going away to fix the bi-frost before you left? It would have been so much simpler!

Noel: Well... Uh... Thor didn’t want me to, I guess. I didn’t want to tell anybody either. I didn’t want to be sent up there to fix the bi-frost and end up failing and not being able to come home. Just the thought of that makes me want to curl up and cry...
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I would rather these guys think I’m okay and evil than miserable and stuck on a foreign planet, you know?

Me: The next one is for Starlie from @koalagirlolive: How often can you understand your father when he talks about science?

Starlie: To be honest, I actually understand about seventy per cent of what he says. I did pretty well in physics and chemistry in high school, and the majority of the idiots out there that try and take over the world –or a country- usually use some form of chemical weapon, which means to stop them, you need a working knowledge of chemistry. Why did you even ask that, do you think I’m dumb? *Starlie frowns disapprovingly.*

Me: We have quite a few questions from Jourpleberry. The first two are for Noel.
Noel, how are the Psych sessions going?

Noel: Psych sessions are great! And for those who don’t know, Sky’s recently gotten me into this TV show called Psych. It’s pretty damn awesome. I watched all seven seasons in a week! Eagerly awaiting season 8 and the musical episode, looks awesome! *Sky and Noel fan girl squeals*

Me: And, you sound like a bit of a fan girl. What fandoms are you into?

Noel: yeah, I guess I’m a fan girl... I kind of hide it though. Being in S.H.I.E.L.D doesn’t leave all that much time to fan girl about stuff. But I do belong to such fandoms as Sherlock, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Psych, Doctor Who and Avatar: The Last Air Bender (and Korra).

Me: Also from Jourpleberry, for Sky; how’s the drumming going? Been practicing?

Sky: yeah! I don’t go a day without drumming if I can help it. J been practicing a lot, but it’s not the same without Lydia and Cordelia. We’re a band, so I’m used to playing with the guitar and the vocals around. But I still play, yes.

Me: And not to be personal, but do you see your parents? What’s the relationship status there?

Sky: Nope. I don’t see my parents, nor do I want to. After shit went down at the S.P.A my parents chose to stay with the agency and help hunt us down. We were never really close anyway since they were always away on missions when I was a kid, so I don’t really mind.
If I had to put a Facebook relationship status on this thing, it would be ‘it’s complicated’ I guess.

Me: We also have two questions for Starlie from Jourpleberry. What would be your most memorable/favourite mission?

Starlie: Most memorable... Probably, well, there was this mission down in Miami I had once. It was while Noel was gone and the Avengers were broken up. That’s all the details I’m giving.[1]

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