Royale AU: The Princess' Brother

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There was a bright kingdom in the middle of the a dark forest. It made the forest light up like a lightbulb. In the castle, there was a king sitting on his royal thrown waiting for news. A group of guards came marching in and all of them bowed on their knees.

"Good evening your highness, we have brung you bad news," one of the guards spoke. "And what may that be?" the king said. "The other kingdom has kidnapped the Prince..." The king stood up in rage and shouted, "Find him...NOW!" All the guards marched out of the room and informed the knights. Then, they began their search of the missing Prince.

Hundreds of knight were riding on horses and were heading to the other kingdom. Upon their arrival, they were faced with many guards and knights. The leader of the knights had shown they didn't come to fight. The other kingdom's knights and guards lowered their weapons and made way for the King, Princess and Prince.

"Good evening, Sir," the leader knight said, "I would like to discuss with you about our Prince." The sound of metal boots clanged on the floor. "Oh but... We need him," the King said, "My daughter wants to marry him, so of course I will make her wish come true." The knights stood with their back straighter than ever. "But Sir, you cannot just take our Prince. He is ours and belongs to our kingdom. If you please, come to our palace and discuss it with the King." the knight spoke.

Then, the two kingdoms had a deal. The evil kingdom had agreed to talk. "He is my son and you shan't take him away. He is the Prince of this Kingdom and will stay the Prince until he takes my position as King!" the King of good shouted. "Well my daughter wants him, and I will fulfill her dreams and wishes. I will do anything it takes to make my Princess happy," the King of evil said, "If you do not, there will be consequences..."

"I cannot... I cannot let you take my son," the King of good murmured, "I-." But he was interrupted by the Prince. "Father, its fine. They can take me, I can't risk for you losing this place." the Prince of good finally said. "There, see, even he agrees," the king of evil said with an evil grin on his face. "Im sorry son... I'm so sorry," the king of good said apologetically. He was so sorry he couldn't explain it in words nor show it with action. He just hugged him tightly. Tears were slowly streaming down his guilty face.

"Come along child," the king of evil said to the Prince, "You will now become a Prince of the evil." He followed him to the other kingdom. When they arrived, they immediately started discussing about the marriage. "You will be engaged with my daughter next week," he said then handing him a ring, "Your wedding will be next month. Do not disappoint me, understand?" The Prince nodded. He did not want to get married with a girl whose a brat. He wanted someone he loved and cared for. But he had no choice until he saw the Princess' brother...
There will be a next part! Hope you liked it :)

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