Vampire AU: Cute

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A quiet tune was heard from the kitchen, William was up at 6:00 in the morning cooking something. A sweet sent roaming around the room, filling the air. Vincent had slept in the living room and just woken up due to the noises.

He walked into the kitchen to see the man who kidnapped him yesterday cooking something in a pan. William noticed him and cheerfully greeted him, "Good morning, handsome!" Vincent still hasn't processed what happened yesterday and just replied, "Good morning."

Vincent slowly walked closer to William and looked over his shoulder to see what he was cooking. "Hungry?" William asked, flipping the pancake over to cook the other side. "A little. But-," Vincent said but then was interrupted. "I know you have a lot of questions, but I'll answer them later," William interrupted. Vincent just shrugged and sat down at the dinner table, he took out his phone and scrolled through it.

"Breakfast is ready! Do you like pancakes?" William said in his cheerful mood again. "Yeah, I guess," Vincent replied. William sat at the table with a plate of pancakes with golden syrup and fruits on top. "Here!" William said pushing the plate towards the man sitting next to him.

"What about you?" Vincent asked, William chuckled and said, "I drink blood for a living." Vincent turned pale as he heard that, "Right..." He picked up a fork and knife and cut a small piece of the pancake. He placed it in his mouth and swallowed it. "How is it?" William asked, drinking a bottle of blood.

"Its great," Vincent replied, "How did you make this?" William just smiled, "I can tell you my recipe!" Vincent placed another bite into his mouth.

After they finished breakfast, William was cleaning the dishes. "Need any help?" Vincent asked, crossing his arms. (It hasn't even been a day and Vincent is already comfortable with him-) "That would be helpful, thank you!" William said in his jolly voice.

In the living room

"You may have some questions and I will try my best to answer them," William said sitting on the couch. Vincent sighed heavily, "Why did you kidnap me?" There was a small giggle from the vampire. "Well I had to, or else you'd tell on me. You saw me kill that woman, didn't you?" William said, raising an eyebrow. Vincent gulped and nodded. "If you told them, I would be dead by now," William added.

"What why?" Vincent asked. William sighed, "I'm one of the last remaining vampires living on Earth. If I die then our population drops even lower, then there would be no vampires left." Vincent just stared at him, his eyebrows furrowed. "Now, let's move on, shall we?" William said in his cheery voice, "Any other questions?"

"Will you kill me?" Vincent asked, which made William chuckle. "Of course not! You're way too handsome to be killed!" the vampire replied, smirking slightly. Vincent gave him a 'are you serious look' and rolled his eyes. "It's true! Who wouldn't want to have a man this handsome for themselves?" William added, crossing his legs. "Whatever," the blond haired man said, blushing ever so slightly. William gave him a wink and left.

"What the hell? Am I starting to like my kidnapper? What's wrong with me?" Vincent thought, rubbing his forehead. His face was redding every second because of his thoughts. 

"He does look cute though..."
Sorry for not posting for so long! I haven't had the time, I'm so sorry. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

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