♡January 10, 2024♡

6 1 0

Lovesong of the Day:

Butterflies by Kacey Musgraves

Not much happened today, but tomorrow is the first day of musical rehearsals so that's exciting. Today will be a lesson or more like an anecdote, but that probably means it'll be out past midnight.

Today's is on shipping phases.

I had a very long, very embarrassing shipping phase that I'm going out of my way to avoid recreating with Hypegirl 101. That phase started around my 4th grade year, when I began shipping some of my guy friends together. With one of these, I was actually right on the money with it. J and I shipped one of our best friends with this guy in my class (this was all online since this was covid era). He actually ended up liking the guy and was, unfortunately, rejected. However, this was my first taste of the possibility of being "right" with my ships, something that would follow me for year afterward.

One thing to know about my old ships is that they tended to be wrong, completely separate from my gaydar which is almost always correct. Since I conflated the two, I began shipping at a rapid rate and just assumed that I was right every time.

One of the more important early ships was Taekook. Yes, Taehyung and Jungkook, that Taekook. This ship was quite brief, not even lasting a year, but it further reinforced the difference between the perceived people I was shipping versus how they actually were. Not with them specifically, but I genuinely believed I knew these people better than they knew themselves with some of these ships.

Fast forward to 5th grade, where there was a HUGE ship. For now, I'll call it Lilac. Me along with around half the other girls in my class went insane over Lilac. Looking back now, there wasn't anything there and both guys were and are super straight. I didn't even get a gaydar with them, since it wasn't fully developed at the time.

6th grade didn't include any major ships and going into 7th grade, I thought I completely dropped my shipping phase for good. Well, Matchmaker 101 proved me wrong. What started as a way to help get my friends with their crushes (which is already a flawed concept) quickly turned into a delulu ship fest. This craziness lasted until JUNE OF LAST YEAR. YES, IT LASTED FOR NEARLY HALF A YEAR.

Since all of this, I've completely dropped shipping, for good this time. I don't plan on ever picking it up again. I can see a cute friendship and not constantly see it as a romance anymore. Speaking of which, another one of my old ships was Minsung. This one was even more brief than Taekook and my reaction to their 2Kids Show from earlier today really solidified my growth in my opinion. Instead of thinking, "AHHHH, THEY'RE DATING THEY LIKE EACH OTHER!!!" I thought, "They're really close friends who're lucky to have each other." If you want to see it for yourself, here's the video...

Now, for the outfit. Today, I wore a white t-shirt with a mesh pink star overlay, a pink fur layer, and a pink tweed skirt. That was styled with 2 layers of tights and, once again, my pink gogo boots.

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