♡January 26, 2024♡

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Lovesongs of The Day:

West Coast by Lana Del Rey


Heaven and Back by Chase Atlantic

Yes, there are two lovesongs of the day today, each with their own reasoning behind why I put them there. For West Coast, I put it here because it's one of my favorite Lana Del Rey songs, so why wouldn't  I put it here. Heaven and Back, on the other hand, is more specific. I listened to the song A LOT during January last year. It basically soundtracked that month for me and I listened to it on the bus ride before last year's trip.

Now, onto the actual trip itself. Everyone going had to put their laptops and backpacks in their locker first thing in the morning. We had to be quick with this, since the bus loaded us in at 8:05. Once we did that, we all went outside and found our bus. On the bus, I sat with a friend I haven't mentioned in this journal yet.

Once we got to the college, were the trip was, we decided where we wanted our first session to be and we went on our merry way. I had this session with C and K. We learned about the fundamentals of being an editor for yearbooks, newspapers, magazines, ect.

On our way there, C made a joke about how the area we were at was the start of C x M, which he isn't wrong about. It did start in that science center.

After that, we all went to the big part of the convention. I sat between K and C there with M farther away. Awards were given out and I came very close to talking to a very famous, well-respected person in a particular field. I don't want to spill too much because then that might reveal my identity, but it was really cool.

I didn't mention it in the journal last year, but there was a really iconic moment involving C, K, M, and I that we decided to recreate during lunch. We call it "Cheese stick", because C and M had a cheese stick fight. This actually contributed to me and K shipping them back then. Us 4 all got in a booth and I recorded the whole thing. Last time, I only got about 20 seconds of footage. This time, I got  2 minutes.

In session two, I was just with C. That one was on political coverage and was probably my favorite of the four. After that, I had session three with M. It was on storytelling.

Then, there was session four. Session four was marvelous and I had it with C. We got to record a lot and we all got some funny footage including video C took of me. That session was on getting good video and it was really informative. My teacher is having C and I create a presentation based on this session and present it to some kids in my 9th period.

After session four, it was time to go. We got a group picture then loaded back on this bus. I sat with the same friend I sat with in the morning.

It was so fun. Really, it was. I consider it on the same level as last year's trip in most regards. I kind of wish it was more even with the people I had sessions with though, I only had one with K and M this time and three with C. Last time, I had 3 with K, 3 with M, and 2 with C.

By the way, there was also a newspaper meeting, but Glass wasn't there so I won't talk about it.

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