♡April 12, 2024♡

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So me, K, P, and Witch had another conversation in class. The choir teacher wasn't here and we had to go to the auditorium since there wasn't a sub. We talked the whole period about a lot, including P's love life. Firstly, his relationship with Marianne. He told us that they've dated 3 times, one of those times was for a whole year. When he liked me, he was dating a different girl who was apparently a piece of crap.

Now there was another thing he mentioned, which was a separate past relationship of his. His mom went through his phone and uncovered messages with a guy he was dating at the time. P said these texts were "really bad", so I'm guessing they were s3xual in one way or another. This surprised me a little bit since if you recall, he told D that he's never dated a boy. He probably forgot about it. He never said how long ago it was, but I think it was while he considered himself gay.

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