♡April 13, 2024♡

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Despite being a Saturday, a whole lot happened today. I had an event to go to in the morning followed by a weekend rehearsal, so I was very busy. It was for choir/band and there were choirs/bands from all over the state coming to our school to perform for judges. One of those districts happened to be the "hot girl" district C talked about. One of my friends was their guide and I can confirm that a lot of them are, in fact, east Asian, but not the majority.

I was a guide for another school along with D and once we were done, we went to the cafeteria to eat pizza and chat with friends. At some point, it was just me, D, and K. We were talking about basically everything when K brought up a weird dream she had last night. I don't remember everything so bare with me, but it was pretty wild.

⚠Brief mention of SA⚠

So it goes....

C was sitting on a couch and motioned for K to come over with his hand on the place he wanted her to sit. She walked over and sat down, with him having moved his hand away. On the couch, she had her hand on his chest/stomach/torso and I believe he placed an arm around her. Regardless, there was physical contact, possibly with romantic subtext, that he initiated and was mutual. There wasn't anything s3xual or any kissing, flirting, ect., just the physical touch.

If that wasn't already weird enough, things get even weirder. They're both suddenly transported to our Geometry classroom where O happens to be. He starts yelling at K, very angry, and starts accusing her of ã$$ualting C. Then boom, the dream is over.

This was a very odd dream for K, especially since she said that she isn't attracted to C and doesn't like him. Even though she had this suggestive dream and he checks the box on her type, she isn't interested. But as you guys, D, and I know, C did have a crush on K in the past. This is a fact that D thought K already knew and decided to bring up.

She asked K if she remembered "the time he liked you" and said that I told her it was a "hallway crush." Both of those things are true and K was shocked when D told her. I tried to play dumb at first and then quickly caved.

We moved on to other things and eventually, rehearsal came. The only thing that happened there was my friend, Kale, telling my she liked a guy I'll call Church. Also Glass and Count were there once again and there was no interaction between us.

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