♡February 29, 2024♡

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I am very sad to report new relationship problems for B and J. This might take a while because I have lots of thoughts.

So we had rehearsal today. On the way to rehearsal, B and I were walking with J and one of her friends. We were all just walking together when B made a joke about J's friend. I jokingly gasped and said, "*insert B's real name*, did you just fatshame *insert friend's real name*?" We got a good laugh out of it and I didn't think much of it.

Well, I think there might've been something in that conversation that upset B. I'm not super sure what that "something" is, but it was surely something.

Once we got to rehearsal, we were linking back up with an old friend who's now a freshman. B was catching her up on the recent ex drama I was talking about from Monday. Then, he started talking to us about his problems in his relationship with J. He told us, and specifically me in some parts, that he felt like he was being ignored by J. Whenever B would try to talk to her, she would tell him that they could talk later. He feels like he's putting his all into this relationship only for J to push him to the side.

I'm surprised that there's any issues right now since just last week, I asked B how the relationship was going and he said it was going fine. I feel like I know exactly why she's ignoring him though. It's because she's still hurt from how her relationship with her ex turned out.

For some context, her last relationship lasted from October 2022 to June 2023. The relationship came crumbling down because her ex was ignoring her in favor of his best friend. He'd give his childhood best friend all of his attention and would be super flirty with him in a manner that made J uncomfortable. He'd continue this over and over again for months and eventually, he just lost feelings. The best friend actually dropped him for reasons that could be related to this but I'm not too sure. That same best friend is also S from Matchmaker, the guy D liked.

After that, she took a bit of a break from relationships. She had maybe a crush or two before she got with B, but there was nothing besides that. I feel like she needs to take a longer break to continue focusing on herself because it's so clear that her relationship is still affecting her.

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