♡February 17, 2024♡

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Lovesong of the Day:

I Think He Knows by Taylor Swift

I got gold at a state competition today!! After the competition, I went to a friend's house. That'll probably be the last time I see him for at least a few months because he moved schools due to a mental health emergency that I won't get into because it's not relevant to the journal. So, who was this friend? Earth.

There was something involving Earth that is relevant to the journal though. You see, he is polyamorous and one of his partners called him while I was at his house. I don't actually know if they're still partners based on the way Earth talked about them though. They called to ask if they could tell a mutual friend of their's, who is also a friend of mine, about some drama Earth was involved with. This isn't a gossip blog so I won't go into details on this either. Anyways, that request upset Earth for reasons that I kind of forget. He snapped and specifically mentioned how half of his friend's friends already hate him and to just leave him alone.

When he said "half of my friend's friends", he was specifically referring to my friends. We were talking in the car about some things and I mentioned that something that really bothers me is how all of my friends are constantly talking crap about Earth. They all practically hate him. During the same car ride, I also found out that Earth isn't a "Virginia" if you know what I mean. The circumstances surrounding that are very complicated though and I wouldn't personally consider it losing his "Virgin Islands."

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