♡March 31, 2024♡

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⚠Mentions of Transphobia⚠

Nothing for today, but it's a very special day for me. The anniversary of an event that was really important in turning me into the person I am today.

As some of you know, today happens to be Transgender Day of Visibility. Despite what the current discourse suggests, the day has been March 31st for 15 years. The 14th year, last year, was when the related event happened.

In the beginning of 2023, I was noticing a consistent pattern of anti-trans legislation going through my state's legislature. As a very strong ally to the trans community with a lot of close trans friends, this alarmed me. It wasn't just my state either, there were hundreds all over the country. I wanted to do something about it but didn't know where to begin.

I didn't have to search for long. As soon as I stumbled across the organized marches by the Queer Youth Assemble (QYA), I immediately planned to go to the nearest one. I arranged to go with Earth to the nearest march, in a city not far from where I live.

When the day came, we were marching for nearly 90 minutes and both Earth and I gave speeches. He actually lead the chants at the front of our group at one point, leading around 200-300(?) people with "Trans Lives Matter!!!"

This march was only 1 out of over 200 international marches for trans youth autonomy that were arranged by the QYA. All on March 31st, 2023. Come to find out that this combined effort was one of if not the single largest youth-lead protest in history.

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