♡January 12, 2024♡

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Lovesong of the Day:

Tulsa Jesus Freak by Lana Del Rey

I actually talked to Glass today. I rarely ever talk to him so this was a bit surprising even to me. For context, do any of you remember the field trip I went on in January of last year that I wrote about in Matchmaker? Well, not only is it annual at my school, but it greatly includes newspaper. I was talking with the teacher about who all was going and I saw Glass' name. However, there's another guy in newspaper who shares Glass' name so I was like "Which guy is this?"

She then said that it was the other guy and I was like "So Glass isn't going?" and then she told me that he isn't unless I convince him right there. I then walked to his seat and asked him if he was going. He said "Nah." That field trip will be on the 26th this year, so stay tuned for a fun entry as it's very soon.

One big thing about Glass that stood out to me is that, around his friends, he's very loud and social, but around everyone else he's quiet and can come off as cold at times. This demeanor explains  why it'll be hard for me or D to get to know him. Trying to talk to him, as in individual, can be difficult. The only other time I've talked to him was because his friends were geeking out and we started geeking out on a childhood YouTuber we both loved.

Still, nothing on K and W. As I've mentioned already, W seems to be firmly in the closet right now. I don't think she's talked to K in days. I'm assuming that this is her trying to put her feelings into a box when she's around her. However, W herself had a talk with me today about how people perceive her as homophobic and transphobic. She told me that a lot of the kids she hates just so happen to be gay/trans and that it's because of their character, nothing else. I kind of wish she actively owned up to her hurting people with her rhetoric, though.

Final day of my fashion week!! Today, I wore black leather cargos, a black and pink mesh top that has "iconic" plastered on the chest, and a zebra print blazer. I styled this, once again, with my scorpio necklace and pink gogo boots.

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