You're Sick

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TW: vomiting and nausea

I woke up with a start.
Tom had just kicked me in his sleep. I knew something was wrong straight away.
Tom, moving in his sleep? Unheard of. He sleeps like the dead.
I move away from him, reaching for the lamp on my bedside table. I flick the switch, the dim, warm light illuminating the room.
I turned towards Tom.
His arms were spread at wild angles, his breathing shallow and hoarse. His jet-black curls were plastered to his forehead, which was glowing with sweat.
I gingerly placed the back of my hand on his forehead. He was burning up. He whimpered uncomfortably beneath me, his face scrunching up with pain.

"Baby." I whisper, gently shaking Tom's shoulder.

"Mmm?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and sitting up in the bed.

"Tommy, are you feeling ok? You're burning up?" I asked him, taking one of his hands in mine.

"I-" Tom went to say something, before he quickly pulled his hand away from mine and rushed to our bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
I followed him anxiously, waiting on the other side of the door, wincing everyone time I heard him retch.


"Y/N - I'm fine. Go back to bed my love." He panted, before he started to vomit again.

"Tommy, love, you're sick. I'm coming in." I gingerly opened the door, and immediately rushed over to Tom. He was bent double, crouched over the toilet, one hand on his forehead.
I rubbed his back, trying to soothe some of his discomfort, as he was violently sick. I hated seeing him like this.

After a few moments, I moved away from him and began looking around our bathroom.
I began to search through the cabinets, looking for my sickness medication.
I found the little glass vial hiding behind a box, and took it over to Tom.
I placed my hand on his cheek, as I tipped the mixture into his mouth.
He swallowed with a grimace.

"Feeling better now baby?" I asked, pushing his curls out of his face.

"Mhm, yeah. Thank you love." He whispered, his voice quiet and hoarse. I pulled him up to his feet, and kissed him on the nose before I left him to wash his face and brush his teeth.

I padded back into our bedroom, and opened a window, letting the cool air swirl around the room, trying to get Tom's body temperature down.
I felt his arm gracefully slide around my waist.

"Thank you Y/N. Really. I hate it when you see me weak and vulnerable, but you always make me feel so much better. I love you." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, and I reached up to kiss his cheek. I took his hand in mine, gently stroking his knuckles, before leading him back to bed.
I clambered back into the silky green sheets, and opened my arms, signalling to Tom that I wanted to cuddle with him.
He gladly crawled on top of me, resting his head on my chest, intertwining his left hand with mine.
I run my hands through his soft curls, stroking his hair gently, as he slowly drifted to sleep. I waited until I could hear his peaceful snores before allowing myself to join him in my dreams.

Word count- 554 words
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