Can't Sleep?

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I shivered, it was freezing in the dorm.
I sat up in the bed, pulling the blankets over my knees. The storm raged outside, the rain pattering harshly against the glass window.
I laid back down, and shut my eyes, trying to will myslef to sleep. No use.

I sighed quietly, and swung my legs so that my feet dangled off the edge of the four-poster bed.
I slipped on some slippers, and pulled a blanket around my shoulders.
I gently padded out of the dorm, making my way down to the Slytherin prefects dorms, on the other side of the common room.

I make my way to Tom's door, the familiar dark oak already bringing me a sense of safety and comfort.
Before I place my hand on the handle, I press my ear softly against the door.
I can hear Tom snoring quietly over the pelting rain. Obviously it didn't bother him.

I carefully opened the door, making sure I made as little noise as possible.
I shut it behind me, and turn around.
Tom is asleep peacefully in his bed at the other end of the room, his silky green sheets pulled down far enough so that the smooth planes of his chiselled body were visible in the silver moonlight.
I shiver slightly as I drape my blanket over an armchair, and softly tiptoe across the floor towards him.

I gently sit down on the bed next to him, and he stirs quietly in his sleep, yet he didn't wake, the perfect, marble skin of his bare back still facing me.
I slip under the covers, immediately enveloped in the warmth of his comforting body.
I wrap my arms around his waist, and bury my face into his back, inhaling his mesmerising scent. I moved one of my legs to drape over his toned torso, immediately feeling at ease.
I sighed softly, and closed my eyes, hoping to finally find sleep.

My eyes open suddenly when Tom moves, his face now facing mine as he lazily strokes the side of my face.
He opens his deep brown eyes slightly, and pulls my head into his chest.

"Are you ok, sweetheart?" He mumbled into my hair, his voice deep with the traces of sleep.

I kiss his neck softly.

"Yes Tommy." I whisper, attempting to bury my head deeper into him.

"Couldn't sleep?" He looked down at me softly, his lips tuning up into my favourite crooked smile.

"Mhm." I kiss his rosy lips, and he pulls me closer, moving one of his hands under my top to gently caress my back, comforting me.

"Sleep, my love." He whispered into my ear, his other hand moving to stroke my cheek.

I sigh into his neck, and he softly strokes my hair,  his face other hand gently gripping my thigh.

I soon fall asleep to the sound of his breathing and the now softer patter of the rain against the glass.

Word count- 493 words
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