I'm Sorry

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Tom slammed our bedroom door shut behind him. I crumple to the floor, and tears began to well in the corners of my eyes.
I hated arguing with him. I hated when I shouted at him- I could see the way his face changed. He wasn't scared, just annoyed and upset.
Annoyed with himself for starting a petty argument about nothing.

We have been together for 5 years now, and over the years, we rarely argued. So, when we did, they were a lot more explosive than normal .

I pull myself off of the floor, and walk into the en-suite bathroom.
I turn in the shower and decide to wash my hair, a pathetic attempt to take my mind off of him. I kept thinking about what I said, what he said. I seriously regretted everything.
I stepped out of the shower, shivering, and pull on my pyjamas.

I climb into bed, taking a book from his shelves. The story kept my mind occupied, and I began to feel my eyes shutting on their own accord.
I put the book on my bedside table and then the lamp off.
It was quiet without him in our bed. It was cold too, without the presence of his warm, comforting body pressed tightly against mine. I sighed, and buried my head deeper into the pillow, turning to face his side of the bed.

I opened my eyes later on, waking up groggily. I rub my face, and turned to look at the small alarm clock.
It was 2:23 in the morning.
Tom wasn't in bed, and I was staring to get worried.

I pulled on my dressing gown and slippers and softly padded out of our bedroom, down across the landing.
I checked in all the spare bedrooms, and he was nowhere to be found. The anxiety was staring to settle, and the pace of my breathing was rapidly increasing.

I walk down the stairs, and into the kitchen.
He wasn't there, but there was something on the kitchen island.
There was a gorgeous bouquet of my favourite flowers, a small black box, and a note.
I took the letter in my hands.

I'm so sorry sweetheart. I am. I really didn't mean anything that I said, and I'm sorry for walking out. I should have stayed with you so we could sort things out.
Please forgive me my love.
I love you so much.
~ Tom

My heart softened at his words, any anger and hatred I may have still felt towards him, immediately extinguished.
I took the black box in my hands and opened it.
Inside was a beautiful necklace. It was a dainty, thin gold chain, with a diamond pendant. It was beautiful.
I knew this was Tom's way of really apologising.

I leave the kitchen, and walk down the hall, into our living room.
He was asleep one of the couches, a blanket draped over him. I could tell he was uncomfortable, he was curled up, too tall to lay straight.
I tiptoed towards him, and kneel on the ground so that my face is level with his.

I gently place my hand on his cheek, caressing my fingers against his perfect, pale features.

"Tom? Tom?" I whisper, gently shaking him awake with my other hand.
He awoke with a start, but relaxed once he dose my face.
He stood up and pulled me into a tight hug.
I felt safe in with warm embrace.
He kissed the top of my head, and swayed me gently, his hand rubbing up and down my back.
He tilts my chin so that I look up at him, his gaze soft.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry." He murmured, his anxious gaze waiting for my response.

"It's ok, Tommy. It's ok, I forgive you." I reach up to kiss him, and he kisses me back
He pulls me back against him, picking me up and wrapping my legs around his torso.

"I think we should get back to bed. I love you, sweetheart." He whispers into my ear, his voice velvety and comforting.
I mumble an agreement into his shoulder, and I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me back into our room.

Word count- 708 words
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