I Can't Breathe

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*TW- Anxiety and panic attacks*

I was sat on my bed, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. I was alone. Tom was in his dorm, probably doing homework. Nerd.
I put my phone on my bedside table, and get up to move towards the bathroom, when I hear a faint knocking on the door.

"Come in." I say, walking into the bathroom.
The door doesn't budge, and the knocking doesn't stop.
I huff, slightly agitated, and pull the door open.

Tom was shaking, his eyes wide with panic, his hands frantically clutching at his shirt.

"I-I can't breathe." He choked out, tears starting to fall from his eyes.
I immediately know what was happening. Tom had a habit of keeping his feelings bottled up, waiting until something tips him right over the edge to let them loose.

I gently take his hands, and lead him to sit down on my bed.
I take his hands in mine, moving my thumb over his knuckles in a soft, comforting motion, and I kneel down un front of him.
I look up at him.

"Tom, Tom, look at me. Look at me." I tell him, eyes shifting towards mine.
I stand up, moving on of my hands to the back of his neck, the other hand staying intertwined with his.

"Take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it out." I repeated, his eyes remains on mine until his breathing, although still shallow, slightly returned back to normal.

I wipe the tears from his eyes with my hands.
I move my hands to rest on the sides of his face.

"You listen to me, Tom Riddle. Nothing's going to happen to you here. You're safe, and I love you. I love you." I whisper to him, planting a kiss on his forehead.

He says nothing, only moving his hands to wrap around my waist as he buried his head into my chest.
I stroke his hair soothingly, kissing the top of his head.
He hated it when he appeared to me as 'weak' or 'vulnerable'

"Thank you." He whispers weakly into my chest, hugging me tighter.

Word count- 352 words
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