I Forgive You

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"Fuck off Tom." I muttered under my breath, grabbing my pyjamas and walking into the bathroom.
He rolled his eyes and sat down at his desk, ignoring me completely.
We had just had a massive argument, over who knows what. It started with me nagging Tom about things he hadn't done, and he stated to point out everything I had done wrong recently.
I was pissed, and there was no way I was giving in first.

I washed my hair and put my pyjamas on, drying my hair with a towel before putting it back on the radiator.
I walked back into the dorm, Tom still ignoring me, his head not even moving when I entered the room.

"Prick." I muttered, loud enough for him to hear and sigh loudly.
I sat down and kick his stuff off of his side of the bed: his pillows and his pyjamas.

"Mature, Y/N." He sneered, not even bothering to make eye contact as he kept on reading.
I rolled over so that my back was facing him, and let my emotions get the better of me.
As arrogant as I was, I still hated it when we fought.
It broke my heart to argue with Tom, but he could be a real stubborn prick sometimes. He needed to accept the fact that he had to apologise sometimes too.

I let the tears fall down my face, managing to keep my breathing even so that Tom wouldn't suspect anything.
I wrapped the duvet around me, pulling it to cover me completely, and shut my eyes, willing myself to sleep.

Tom's POV

I laid on the floor, my head resting on the pillows.
I kept thinking about what I had said to Y/N, and how much I regretted it.
I get what she meant, I was a total prick.
I just wanted to wake her up and hold her tightly against me, and bury my head deep into her hair.
I didn't want to disturb her, she looked so peaceful when she was sleeping.

I knew she was crying before. She tried to hide it but I knew she was upset.
I felt awful.
I sigh.
I give up on trying to sleep on the hard, wooden floor, I needed the feeling of her soft, warm body pressed against mine to fall asleep.
She was my comfort, my everything. I loved her.

I got up off the floor, putting my pillows back on the bed.
I laid down on the bed next to her, the bed dipping causing her to stir slightly in her sleep.
I pull her close to me, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist and resting my leg over hers.
I sigh, and inhale her mesmerise scent, immediately feeling relaxed as I tried to drift off to sleep.

I could feel Tom's chest pressed against my back.
I have to be honest, I'm glad he came back to bed.

"Tom?" I whisper quietly, moving my hand to rest on top of his.
He mumbled.

"I forgive you." He nuzzled his face into my neck and planted a soft kiss on my skin.

"Thank you, I'm sorry sweetheart. I love you." He said, his words muffled against my neck.

"I love you too Tommy." He held me tighter, the sound of his soft breathing helping me to drift off to sleep quickly.

Word count- 566 words
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