Who Did This?

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TW: Mentions of violence, bleeding

I drag myself to Tom's dorm, using all my energy to keep myself moving. I could feel the blood running from my eyebrow down my face, the faint purple bruise around my eye throbbing and growing darker under my skin
Cormac had decided that the best way to deal with my rejecting him was to sucker punch me in the face. What a lovely guy.

I knock weakly on the door, the pace of my breath increasing as the pain on the side of my face worsened.
Tom threw the door open.

"Darling, what-" He stops himself when he sees my face, immediately pulling me into his chest, his cool hands stroking my hair, while he whispered sweet reassurances in my ear.
He sat me down on the edge of his bed, before he rushed into his bathroom. He appeared again a few moments later, holding a wet towel and a box of plasters.
He softly kneeled on the floor in front of me, gently caressing the left side of my face with his thumb, while he cleaned the right side of my face with the towel.  He moved slowly, careful not to cause me more pain then I was already in.

I moved his hand from my cheek to my lap, intertwining his fingers with mine, immediately feeling comfort.
He put the bloodied towel on the ground, and removed his hand from mine to gently stick a plaster just above the side of my eyebrow.
He wiped the tears from my eyes with the soft pad of his thumb, and pulled me into his arms.
He kissed the top of my head, while his hand moved reassuringly down my back.

"Thank you Tommy. I love you." I whispered into his chest. He held me tighter.

"I love you more, love." He pulled me away from him, his hands now on either side of his face, obviously wanting to get down to business now.

"Who did this to you, Y/N?" He asked, his voice low, with a clear hint of anger. I lowered my eyes to my lap.

"Cormac." I raised my gaze to his, and his eyes softened. He kissed me gently on the lips, before moving to his wardrobe and pulling out some of his clothes for me to wear.
He placed them next to me on the bed, before he took my hands in his.

"Get changed love, and try to sleep. I'll be back later." He kissed my cheek one last time before he left, quietly shutting the door behind him.

I got changed into his hoodie and joggers, and clambered into his bed. His soft, silky sheets smelled just like his minty cologne, something that soothed me and helped me to quickly drift off to sleep.

One hour later

I woke up groggily as I heard the door handle turn. It was Tom.
He said nothing to me, and went straight to his bathroom. He was in there for quite a while, the water running almost the whole time, before he emerged and walked over to his bed.
I felt him climb in next to me, pulling me to his chest, holding me as close as he could.

"Where did you go, Tom?" I whispered into his next, my hand moving to rest in his soft, black curls.

"Cormac won't dare to bother you anymore." He muttered into my hair.
I didn't bother to press him for more details, it was useless, he wouldn't tell me anything. I push the matter aside, and move my face to his.
I kiss his soft lips, and he kisses me back, his hand moving to the side of my face.

"I love you Tommy."

"I'd do anything for you, my darling." He kissed my forehead, before I gently drifted off to sleep.

Word count- 640 words
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