You Silly Man

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*TW: Tom being wasted, mentions of alcohol*

I was sat in Tom's dorm, reading, the mesmerising swirling of the Black Lake against the dorm window casting a glow around the room.
I was curled up on his side of the bed, the blankets pulled underneath my chin, to keep my shivering body warm.

Tom was out with our friends. I had decided to stay back, I was sick of waking up with a hangover.
Nevertheless, I had insisted that Tom went without me, he was allowed to have fun too.
Now, Tom wasn't one to really drink. He had firewhiskey from time to time, but he never really got wasted, you know?

I was deep in thought, staring at the creatures swimming by, when someone pounded sloppily on the door.
I walked over, and pulled it open.

"Heyyy my beautiful girl." Tom slurred, leaning towards me and resting almost all his body weight on me.
He was a mess. His shirt was crinkled, the top three buttons undone, his tie hung loose around his neck. His hair was slightly disheveled, a few of his perfect curls messed up.
I laughed at the sight. He was completely wasted.

"Woah there, Tom. Let's get you inside." I grabbed his arm and guided him towards the bed to sit down.

"Inside, inside." He rambled as I walked him through the door

He stumbled all the way, moving as if his limbs weren't attached to his body.
He flopped down on the bed, pulling me by my waist to lay on top of him.

His hands crept into my hair and he pulled me in for a kiss. His breath tasted strongly of firewhiskey.
His lips were passionate against mine, his desire made clear when his tongue began to trace my bottom lip, his hands moving all over my body.
I pulled away.

"Nooo, come back I want to kiss you." Tom whined, wildly moving his arms around to pull me back.
I stand up  from the bed, smiling.

"No, Tom. You're drunk. Let's get you cleaned up." I attempt to pull him up, but fail drastically.
"Tom you're going to have to move too, I can't life you up." He rolled his eyes and stood up, swaying slightly.
I pull him into the bathroom and push him down to sit on the toilet.

His hands creep around to rest on my ass as I undid his tie and laid it next to the sink. I unbuttoned his shirt and helped him put on a hoodie.

"You're pretty, like an angel from heaven. Do you think your boyfriend would mind if I kissed you?" He mumbled under his breath, his pupils wide as he stared into my eyes.
He rested his head on my stomach, his arms hanging loose around me.

"You silly man, you are my boyfriend." I laugh.

"Oh." He smiled as I led him back to bed.

He sprawled out across his sheets and was muttering absolute nonsense under his breath.
I laid next to him, and he pulled me against him, singing random words in my ear. I couldn't help but laugh, knowing I would likely never see him like this again.

After a few hours, he finally began to drift off. He had moved to lay against my chest, my hands stroking his hair softly. I had tried to move them away, but he made a face and yanked them back to where they were.
I kissed the top of his head, and felt him relax against me.

"I love you Tommy." I whisper into his ear.

"I love me too." He mumbled as I let out a small laugh.

Word count- 611 words
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