Let Me Stay With You

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I buried my head into my pillow, trying to ease the pounding migraine that had just took ahold of my head.
I couldn't bring myself to face any lessons today, deciding today to instead spend some much needed time in bed.
I had just made myself comfortable, though unable to ignore the throbbing in my skull, when I heard someone knocking frantically at the door.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you in there? Are you ok love?" Tom asks, his voice plainly worried. I groan in response, causing him to fling the door open with such intensity I thought it was about to fall off of its hinges.
He immediately rushed to my side, his cool hands comforting my face and stroking my hair.

"Oh, my love. What's the matter." He dropped his voice a few octaves, his eyes loving and sympathetic.

"My head hurts so much Tom, I feel awful." I mumble, his hands moving to my cheek, stroking it tenderly.

"I can't just leave you like this, darling. Let me stay with you." He pleads. I nod my head weakly, wanting nothing more than to feel his comforting arms around me.

He leaves my dorm, appearing again in a few minutes. He had changed from his robes into a t-shirt and joggers, and had a glass of water and a pack of painkillers in his hand.
He sat beside me, handing me the water and tablets.

"Take these love, they'll make you feel much better." He pushes a few strands of hair out of me face, gently tucking them behind my ear.
I swallow the pills with a grimace, and make myself comfortable as he places the glass on my bedside table.

I feel his arms wrap around me. He pulls me close to his warm body so that I lay on his chest. I put one of my cold hands under his t-shirt.

He winces, "Darling, your hands are freezing." He holds me tighter, planting kisses on my head and gently stroking my hair, his other hand rubbing warmth into my back.

"Sleep, love. I'll stay with you." He whispers into my ear. The sound of his heart beating beneath my ear provided a steady, comforting rhythm that soon sent me off to sleep.

Word count- 379 words
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