Lay With Me

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I was so tired. It was really quite late, and I'd had such a long, boring day.
I was in Tom's dorm, nestled in his silky, forest-green bed sheets. The lingering smell of him and his minty cologne almost soothed me to sleep instantly.
I had my arms wrapped around his pillow, my head buried into the warm softness.

I head the door unlock, but I didn't bother to move my head. I was too comfortable.

"Tired, love?" Tom smirked, his hand gently caressing my shoulder, as he leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"Mmhm." I mumbled, not even bothering to open my eyes.
He put his bag on the floor, and sat down at his desk, pulling out some notes he had made from potions.

I groaned, loud enough for him to hear.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, his eyes not even moving off the parchment, the quill in his hand still moving swiftly.

"You're always studying. It's so lonely and cold without you." I whined, making sure to lay it on thick, knowing it would make him crack eventually.

"Y/N..." I turned over in his bed, now facing him, as I watched him raise his eyebrows, his gaze still not moving from his work.

"Whatever. You don't love me anyway." I turned away from him, burning my head in his blankets, pushing his pillow away from me.

I heard him harrumph loudly, throwing his quill to the desk. Yes! I knew my grumbling would make him crack.

He stood up from the desk, and took off his trousers, shirt and tie, dropping them to the floor. He picked up his pyjama trousers from the bed and pulled them on.
He climbed into his bed, his arms swiftly wrapping around my waist, pulling me close to his warm, comforting body.

I moved my hand to lay it on his neck, my thumb stroking the edge of his collarbone, causing him to shudder.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer, and he covered the top of my head in soft kisses, making me giggle into his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know I love you, sweetheart. God, you know just how to break me." He smiled, pulling my chin so that I could look into his eyes.
I grinned.

"I just wanted you to lay with me, Tommy." I nestled my head back into his neck, as he soothingly rubbed one of his hands up and down my thigh, the other gently stroking my hair.

Word count- 425 words
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