Willdip- Trip AU

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Will's POV: (This is inspired by Heart Stopper, please go read/watch the show/books it is AMAZING)

We were on the bus, on our way to Ireland for the yearly school trip. There weren't many people attending the trip since it was quite expensive, but Kill managed to pay for me and Bill to go. Sadly, we didn't get to pick our seats on the bus and our rooms and I got assigned Mason both times. 

Mason, let's just say, isn't a huge fan of me. He hates my guts, and I never even did anything to him! Once, he locked me in the band room for 4 hours! The only reason I was able to get out was because Bill was looking for me and heard me screaming for help. And even now, he keeps making little glances at me! Like he's planning what he's going to do to me when the teachers aren't here to stop him. I shiver, then look out the window, trying not to make him wanna hurt me more than I already will be. I tried to convince the teachers to let me stay with Bill, but they didn't budge. Now, I'm stuck here with Mason.

After a while, the bus came to a stop at our hotel and students rushed out to gather their things. Bill was helping me gather my stuff, when suddenly somebody grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I was met with an angry Mason and his group of little buddies. "Listen here kid, if you annoy me or get in my way, I will not hesitate to fuck you up. Understand?" He whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver and try not to tear up. What was this kid's deal? I nodded slowly, making his smirks grow. "Good boy." He pushes me aside and starts walking towards the hotel. Bill grabs me and hands me my stuff. "Are you okay?" He says in a sympathetic tone. I sigh softly and thank him. "Y-Yes...I wish Kill was h-here..." I whisper. "He'd beat the shit out of them!" Bill smirks, causing me to laugh. "y-yeah..." 

Bill led me up to my room, guiding me in and helping me put my stuff away. Mason groaned softly at my presence, but we decided it would be best to ignore it. 

Eventually, Bill left, which meant it was only me and him. And worst of all, there was only one bed, so we had to share. Mason sighed and collapsed onto the far side of the bed. I closed my eyes and crawled in after him, trying to get at least a little bit comfortable. Mason looked over at me, then wrapped his arm around me, causing me to blush. "W-What are you doing?" I asked him politely, trying to make him think I wasn't freaking out inside. "Just...helping you get a little bit more comfortable, I guess."

Mason's dark brown eyes pierced through my soul. "W-Well..." I started. "T-Thank you." I smiled, resting my head against him chest. The warmth of his body already made me feel like I was wrapped in a big, fluffy blanket. "You're...welcome." He whispered in my ear softly.

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