Willdip- Forbidden Love, Bond of Aetherside and Vaudeville

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Will's POV:

"That's not what they told us..." I muttered quietly. Mason sighed, turning his head away. I could tell he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Let me guess, they told you that we're the bad guys? We betrayed you?" Mason scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Aetherside, always the bad guys. I wish we could just get along...and stop..." He turned back towards me, our eyes meeting. "Fighting." We both said. I grabbed his hand, our fingers dancing together. Maybe today...we can stop living in constant fear. Maybe today is going to be the day that everything changes.

Around sunrise, Mason and I stood on the huge stage people used back in the 1800s. We had gathered Aetherside and Vaudeville together, each town glaring at the other. "What are they doing here?!" An angry Vaudevillian shouted. "I could ask you the same, Villain!" An Aethersider yelled back. "Guys, please just stop and listen to us!" Mason said into the microphone. All eyes turned towards us. Some people gasped, others looked around confused. I could see my brothers giving me an angry look from the back of the crowd. "William Cipher, what are you doing! This is crazy. Just, come back down here so we can go home and forget about this nonsense!" Kill said in a harsh tone as he walked onto the stage, grabbing my hand. "Don't you remember what Aetherside did to us? They hurt us, Will! I don't want that...thing to hurt you too! That's all mom wanted me to do, to just protect you guys..." Kill tried pulling me away from Mason. This is definitely not helping my point...I thought to myself. I was about to yell back at Kill, but Mason had pulled me into a kiss, gently grabbing my face. Aethersiders and Vaudevillians all gasped once more, some even yelling curses at us. "Chief Mason, what about the law?" A woman said, comforting her baby. Mason growled. "That law is bullshit! We always told our kids that Vaudevillians are monsters and will never get better. That accident was one hundred years ago! Don't any of you ever think about letting go of the past? How ridiculous it is to keep on holding onto something so long ago?" The crowd fell silent, minutes went by with nobody saying a word. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try..." A man said, stepping closer towards the stage. Kill's eyes widened. "William, you can't be serious. You're actually going to trust him?" Kill said, making me nod. Bill walked up to Kill, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Kill, let's just go home..." Bill muttered, but Kill pushed him away. "Vaudeville, are you really just going to forget what they did to us? Killed and destroyed most of our town? We can't trust them! What if they're just trying to get our trust, so they can finish the job and kill the rest of us?" Kill grabbed the microphone, his demon tail swishing angrily back and forth. Mason calmly walked up to him, taking the microphone. I was honestly surprised at how Mason was handling his outburst. "Sir, if we wanted to do that, we would have done that years ago. With Vaudeville's strength and farming abilities, and Aetherside's gardening and cooking abilities, we could get things done so much faster!" Mason said gleefully, making townsfolk nod in agreement. "No! W-We can't trust them! That devil town killed our parents!" Kill whispered, tearing up slightly. I sighed. "Not all Aethersiders are like that, Kill. I hope you'll understand that one day." I muttered softly, turning back to Mason. "Let's just try this new life style, just try and get along..." I yelled again, Mason leaned down to kiss my cheek. 

"And things might actually work out!"

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