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Milica sought solace in the familiar embrace of her childhood home, the comforting scent of home-cooked meals and the warmth of her mother's presence welcoming her. As she shared the story of the tumultuous argument with Jago, tears welled up in her eyes, a cascade of emotions pouring forth.

Jovana Petrović, Milica's mother, listened with a mix of sympathy and understanding. "Oh, sweetheart, I hate to see you like this. Relationships can be tricky, can't they?"

Milica nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "It's just so frustrating, Mom. Jago is convinced that there's something going on between me and Dominik, and it's tearing us apart."

Jovana sighed, "Men and their insecurities. But you know, deep down, that there's nothing between you and Dominik, right?"

Milica nodded again, wiping away a tear. "Of course, Mom. Dominik is just a friend. Jago is letting his jealousy and insecurity ruin everything."

Jovana's expression shifted, and a hint of a smile played on her lips. "You know, your father and I never really liked Jago. We always thought he was a bit too possessive. Dominik, on the other hand, has always been a gentleman."

Milica's eyes widened, "Really, Mom? You never said anything."

Jovana chuckled, "Well, we wanted you to make your own choices. But now that things have come to this, maybe it's time to reconsider who truly cares for you."

As the conversation continued, Jovana gently teased, "You always did have a special connection with Dominik. Your father and I used to joke that you two were meant to be."

Milica, despite the heaviness of her heart, couldn't help but smile at the fond memories her mother invoked. "Mom, you can't be serious."

Jovana's eyes twinkled with mischief. "I might be more serious than you think, sweetheart. Dominik has always been there for you, and you two share a bond that goes beyond friendship."

Milica sighed, torn between the tangled emotions of the present and the echoes of her parents' sentiments. "I just wish things were simpler. I don't want to lose Jago, but I can't keep pretending that everything is okay."

Jovana's voice softened, "Sometimes, we need to face the truth, even if it's painful. Maybe it's time to reevaluate what you truly want and who deserves a place in your heart."

As the night unfolded, mother and daughter shared laughter and tears, navigating the complexities of love and relationships. The comforting walls of home provided a refuge for Milica, offering a glimpse into a path that might lead her to the clarity she sought.

Little did she know that the choices she made in the coming days would not only shape her future but also determine the course of the intertwined destinies of Dominik, Jago, and herself. The game of hearts had reached a critical juncture, and the next move held the promise of either healing or irreversible change.

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