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The room hung heavy with the weight of unspoken truths, tears, and the aftermath of revelations. Dominik and Milica, lying side by side, faced the daunting challenge of rebuilding what had been shattered. The air between them crackled with vulnerability and a shared desire for understanding.

Milica, her voice still carrying the tremors of emotion, broke the silence. "Your ex... Why would she do that? Why try to ruin what we have?"

Dominik, his gaze fixed on the ceiling, exhaled a heavy sigh. "She's been holding on to the past, unable to let go. I thought she had moved on, but clearly, she hasn't."

Milica, grappling with the complexities of the situation, couldn't help but feel a mixture of sympathy and frustration. "Why didn't you just tell me that night? Why let me go through this?"

Dominik, regret etched on his face, turned to face her. "I messed up, Milica. I should've been honest. I was scared—scared of losing you."

Milica, torn between the pain of betrayal and the longing for understanding, wiped away fresh tears. "Losing me? Dom, you almost lost me because you didn't tell me the truth. Trust was broken."

Dominik, reaching out to gently cup her face, pleaded, "Milica, I know. I messed up, and I'm sorry. I should've trusted you enough to be honest from the start."

Milica, feeling the vulnerability of the moment, sighed. "Trust... It's fragile now, Dom. I need time."

Dominik, nodding in understanding, whispered, "Take all the time you need. I'll do whatever it takes to rebuild that trust."

As the room settled into a heavy silence, both Dominik and Milica grappled with the remnants of their shattered connection. The path ahead, uncertain and fraught with challenges, felt like a fragile bridge suspended over the chasm of their shared history.

In the stillness of the room, Milica and Dominik confronted the daunting task of rebuilding trust—an intricate process that required patience, vulnerability, and a commitment to facing the shadows of their past.

As they lay there, entangled in the complexities of their emotions, the threads of understanding began to weave a tentative bridge between them. Little did they know that the journey to rebuild trust was a slow and delicate process—one that would unfold over time, testing the strength of their connection and revealing whether the fragile bridge they were constructing could withstand the weight of the past or if it would collapse under the strain of unspoken echoes.

A/N: Never would've thought I would experience writers block, but it is really heavy right now.

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