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The sound of raindrops drumming against the car roof created a soothing rhythm as Milica drove through the wet streets on a chilly night. The patter of rain against the windows seemed to echo the beat of her racing heart. Her destination, Dominik's house, loomed ahead through the misty evening.

As she pulled up to his driveway, Milica took a deep breath. Raindrops clung to her car windows like glistening jewels, and the wet pavement reflected the glow of streetlights. She glanced at herself in the rearview mirror, her hair already dampened by the persistent rain. A smile played on her lips, anticipation and nerves mingling in the air.

Summoning courage, Milica stepped out of her car into the pouring rain, embracing the unexpected thrill of being drenched. The cool droplets cascaded down her face, soaking her clothes and leaving a trail of glistening water in her wake.

Milica approached Dominik's door, her heart pounding. She raised her hand to knock, the raindrops falling from her fingertips like liquid diamonds. When the door swung open, Dominik's eyes widened in surprise, taking in the sight of Milica, drenched and determined.

Before he could utter a word, Milica closed the gap between them, her lips hungrily seeking his. The rain continued to fall around them, an orchestration of nature's symphony. Dominik, initially caught off guard, quickly surrendered to the passionate embrace, reciprocating with a fervor that mirrored Milica's own desires.

Their kiss held the weight of unspoken emotions, the culmination of years of unacknowledged feelings. In that moment, it felt as if time had stilled, and the world outside ceased to exist. The raindrops, witnesses to the union of hearts, continued their descent, creating a backdrop for the unfolding connection between Milica and Dominik.

Milica, breaking the kiss but still breathless, looked into Dominik's eyes with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "I've been blind, Dom. Blind to what's been right in front of me."

Dominik, his gaze softened by the realization, whispered, "I've been waiting for this moment, Milica. Waiting for you."

Without another word, Dominik pulled her into his house, shutting the door against the rain-soaked night. The air was charged with an electrifying tension as their night unfolded—a night of desired revelations and unspoken truths.

In the warmth of Dominik's embrace, the rain outside seemed to fade into a distant melody, leaving behind a tapestry of shared longing and newfound connection. The game of hearts, with its twists and turns, had brought Milica and Dominik to a moment where the threads of their intertwined lives wove a story of passion and realization—a story that promised to rewrite the chapters of their friendship and explore the uncharted territories of something more. And as the night embraced them, the echoes of raindrops seemed to carry whispers of a love that had patiently waited for the perfect moment to unfold.

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