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A few days later, Lisa had called Milica and asked if she wanted to go to a new club with her. Which Milica obviously agreed too, since she found a new girl friend.

The vibrant neon lights of the bar illuminated the night as Milica and Lisa, her newfound friend, immersed themselves in the lively atmosphere. The clinking of glasses, the rhythmic beats of music, and the laughter of the crowd set the stage for a night of carefree fun.

As the drinks flowed, the two friends found themselves in a spirited conversation, sharing stories and laughter. Milica, reveling in the newfound connection, felt a sense of liberation that came with the carefree night.

Amidst the laughter and tipsiness, Milica's inhibitions faded away. In a bold moment, she found herself kissing a stranger in the crowded bar. Lisa, observing the unexpected turn of events, decided to let Milica have her moment, choosing to enjoy the night in her own way.

Milica, fueled by the thrill of the night, left Lisa momentarily and guided the stranger to a quieter spot. The dim lights cast shadows, and the music muffled the world outside their little bubble of spontaneity.

As the night progressed, Milica, in her tipsy state, completely forgot about the world outside the bar. In a moment of intoxicated impulsiveness, she snapped a picture of herself and the stranger, sending it to Dominik without a second thought.

Dominik, receiving the unexpected photo, immediately recognized the familiar surroundings of the club. Fueled by a surge of jealousy and concern, he wasted no time. He texted Milica with a stern but possessive tone, demanding her presence outside the club.

Milica, lost in the night's revelry, finally checked her phone to see the urgent messages from Dominik. The combination of his cute but possessive manner sent a flutter through her intoxicated state. She excused herself from the stranger, who became a distant memory in an instant, and rushed outside.

As she stepped into the cool night air, Dominik's presence materialized. He looked at her with a mix of sternness and concern, demanding to know who the stranger was.

Milica, still giggling from the alcohol's effects, replied, "I don't even know, Dom. Just some guy from the bar."

Dominik, unable to suppress a laugh at her intoxicated state, guided her towards his car. Concern softened his features as he wrapped his arm around her, sensing her need for support.

Once they reached Dominik's place, he handed her one of his shirts to change into. The atmosphere shifted from the playful banter to a more caring one as Dominik insisted she rest at his place. The possessiveness in his manner lingered as he mentioned, "You can just sleep with me tonight, Milica."

Milica, feeling the comforting warmth of Dominik's shirt, nodded in agreement. The night had taken unexpected turns, and as she curled up in bed beside Dominik, the threads of connection wove a story of complex emotions—jealousy, concern, and a growing intimacy that surpassed the boundaries of friendship. Little did they know that the night's events would become a turning point in the intricate dance of their intertwined destinies, propelling them into uncharted territories of emotions and revelations.

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